
Balsamic  - <!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page -->
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      'value': 1.0,
      'currency': 'USD',
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<!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page --> [removed] gtag('event', 'conversion', { 'send_to': 'AW-16733211192/pGUxCMnevdsZELiUgqs-', 'value': 1.0, 'currency': 'USD', 'transaction_id': '' }); [removed]

Balsamic - <!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page --> [removed] gtag('event', 'conversion', { 'send_to': 'AW-16733211192/pGUxCMnevdsZELiUgqs-', 'value': 1.0, 'currency': 'USD', 'transaction_id': '' }); [removed]

Balsamic - Monin Dark Chocolate Sauce 500 ML - France

Balsamic  - Monin Dark Chocolate Sauce 500 ML - France - The origins of chocolate stretch back at least 4,000 years. The ancient populations of Central America venerated cocoa beans and used them to make a hot, frothy and bitter drink called chocolatl. After Christopher Columbus introduced chocolate to Europe, the drink was to become a best seller

The origins of chocolate stretch back at least 4,000 years. The ancient populations of Central America venerated cocoa beans and used them to make a hot, frothy and bitter drink called chocolatl. After Christopher Columbus introduced chocolate to Europe, the drink was to become a best seller