
Balsamic  - <!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page -->
  gtag('event', 'conversion', {
      'send_to': 'AW-16733211192/pGUxCMnevdsZELiUgqs-',
      'value': 1.0,
      'currency': 'USD',
      'transaction_id': ''

<!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page --> [removed] gtag('event', 'conversion', { 'send_to': 'AW-16733211192/pGUxCMnevdsZELiUgqs-', 'value': 1.0, 'currency': 'USD', 'transaction_id': '' }); [removed]

Balsamic - <!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page --> [removed] gtag('event', 'conversion', { 'send_to': 'AW-16733211192/pGUxCMnevdsZELiUgqs-', 'value': 1.0, 'currency': 'USD', 'transaction_id': '' }); [removed]

Balsamic - FONTINA cheese 250 g - ITALY

Balsamic  - FONTINA  cheese 250 g - ITALY - Fontina is a semi-hard cheese produced with raw cow's milk. It is a quality cheese produced and aged in the mountains, according to a centuries-old process, and made exclusively with fresh milk Fontina DOP is then left to mature in natural caves for about 3 months

Fontina is a semi-hard cheese produced with raw cow's milk. It is a quality cheese produced and aged in the mountains, according to a centuries-old process, and made exclusively with fresh milk Fontina DOP is then left to mature in natural caves for about 3 months