![Balsamic - <!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page -->
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'value': 1.0,
'currency': 'USD',
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Balsamic - <!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page -->
gtag('event', 'conversion', {
'send_to': 'AW-16733211192/pGUxCMnevdsZELiUgqs-',
'value': 1.0,
'currency': 'USD',
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[removed]Balsamic - BIERE DES AMIS 0.030ML-BELGIUM

As with the full strength Biere Des Amis, Biere Des Amis 0.0% is designed to be drinkable and enjoyed with friends. The beer pours a golden blond colour, with pleasant aromas of malt and citrus rising from the glass. The flavour is soft, mellow and balanced with a subtle bitter aftertaste.