Vita Forno


box contains 22 pcs of eclair in chocolate and custard flavors
Eclair - box contains 22 pcs of eclair in chocolate and custard flavorsMelted chocolate

Melted chocolate sponge cake soaked with chocolate fudge and decorated with chocolate that serves 6-8 person
Melted chocolate - Melted chocolate sponge cake soaked with chocolate fudge and decorated with chocolate that serves 6-8 personvita cheesecake

Cheesecake enough for 4 to 8 person
vita cheesecake - Cheesecake enough for 4 to 8 personBanoffee pie

Banoffee pie contains banana , toffee , cream, biscuits
Banoffee pie - Banoffee pie contains banana , toffee , cream, biscuitsUltimate gathering

Mixed fondue contains brownies, cookies, vanilla cake, strawberries, marshmallows, pretzels with dipping milk chocolate, pistachio, chocolate and lotus
Ultimate gathering - Mixed fondue contains brownies, cookies, vanilla cake, strawberries, marshmallows, pretzels with dipping milk chocolate, pistachio, chocolate and lotusThe Mixed Salties

Box contains mixed mini salties zataar, pizza, cheese, feta cheese with dried tomatoes.
The Mixed Salties - Box contains mixed mini salties zataar, pizza, cheese, feta cheese with dried tomatoes.Gathering Package

3 boxes containing: 1- 25 pcs mixed mini croissant 2- 25 pcs mixed wrap and roll 3- 25 pcs mixed sandwiches and fatayer
Gathering Package - 3 boxes containing: 1- 25 pcs mixed mini croissant 2- 25 pcs mixed wrap and roll 3- 25 pcs mixed sandwiches and fatayerVoko

Box contains pink cake with pink, fucia baby roses
Voko - Box contains pink cake with pink, fucia baby rosesSides

Box contains cake with happy birthday stick and white roses and green leaves
Sides - Box contains cake with happy birthday stick and white roses and green leavesThe bride

Box contains cake with 2 layers and bridal stick and white baby roses and greens
The bride - Box contains cake with 2 layers and bridal stick and white baby roses and greensAntika

Box contains 2 layers cake with white baby roses and green leaves
Antika - Box contains 2 layers cake with white baby roses and green leavesJoy

Box contains cake and mixed flowers and you can choose you cake flavors ( vanilla, chocolate, red velvet)
Joy - Box contains cake and mixed flowers and you can choose you cake flavors ( vanilla, chocolate, red velvet)Kind

Box contains 2 layers cake with mixed flowers and you can choose your cake flavors ( chocolate, vanilla, red velvet)
Kind - Box contains 2 layers cake with mixed flowers and you can choose your cake flavors ( chocolate, vanilla, red velvet)Mixing

Box contains mixed mini cakes with different flavors such chocolate, red velvet and vanilla
Mixing - Box contains mixed mini cakes with different flavors such chocolate, red velvet and vanillaThe graduate

Box contains graduation cake with red roses
The graduate - Box contains graduation cake with red rosesCapro

Box contains graduation cake with white baby roses and green leaves
Capro - Box contains graduation cake with white baby roses and green leavesCookies

Box contains milk with pecan, birthday cake, black dulce.
Cookies - Box contains milk with pecan, birthday cake, black dulce.Croissant with Chocolate Sauce

box contains 27 pcs of croissant with chcolate sauce
Croissant with Chocolate Sauce - box contains 27 pcs of croissant with chcolate sauceFati

box contains 15 pcs of half chocolate croissant and 10 pcs of plain croissant
Fati - box contains 15 pcs of half chocolate croissant and 10 pcs of plain croissantSandwiches

box contains 8 pcs of mix sandwiches with potato balls
Sandwiches - box contains 8 pcs of mix sandwiches with potato ballsZaatar

box contains 9 pcs of zaatar roll with labna dipping
Zaatar - box contains 9 pcs of zaatar roll with labna dippingChoco Bites

box contains 25-26 pcs of mixed choco bites
Choco Bites - box contains 25-26 pcs of mixed choco bitesMini Eclair

box contains 18 pcs of chocolate & custard eclair
Mini Eclair - box contains 18 pcs of chocolate & custard eclairPop Sticks