Villa Vanilla

Villa VanillaVilla Vanilla

Villa Vanilla - Cheese plater big box

Villa Vanilla - Cheese plater big box - Serves 6-7 people Contains:
3 dips (olive cheese - thyme labneh - eggplant mix)
4 types of cheese (cheddar cheese - yellow cheese - mozzarella - feta)
Strawberries, apricots, pecans, cucumbers, tomatoes, Quakers biscuits and slices of saj bread.

Serves 6-7 people Contains: 3 dips (olive cheese - thyme labneh - eggplant mix) 4 types of cheese (cheddar cheese - yellow cheese - mozzarella - feta) Strawberries, apricots, pecans, cucumbers, tomatoes, Quakers biscuits and slices of saj bread.