Products.Q8 co. - Vaseline Pro Derma AHA Smoothing Body Lotion 5 250 Ml.

Vaseline Pro Derma Body LotionHelps the skinAHA ESSENCEIt exfoliates skin cells, making the skin smooth. It also helps make the skin brighter.
It contains a formula that helps reduce ingrown hair. Suitable for people who like plucking and waxing often.
Aha 5.5%
It helps exfoliate the skin cells to make it smooth. It also helps make the skin soft to the touch. It also helps reduce dark circles and dark spots caused by acne and makes the skin look brighter.
Ceramide (ceramide)
Helps strengthen skin armor. It helps protect the skin from pollution, sunlight and moisture loss. It also helps reduce wrinkles as well.
Prebiotic (prebiotic)
Helps reduce skin inflammation. Helps protect and balance the skin. It helps increase the skin's armor to become stronger. Makes the skin look healthySuitable for skin problems