PET SHOP - Fungi-Stop

The significance for birds fanciers is that some types of fungi like to grow on grain. Poor hygiene can also spread the yeast. Most healthy birds will not be affected, older birds, sick birds and stressed birds generally develop yeast infections. These secondary infections infections put stress on their already overtaxed immune system and interfere with the healing process. Symptoms: Birds puff feathers out, little appetite, vomiting, swollen crop, breathing difficulties, frequently combined with diarrhoea Dosage: FUNGI STOP POWDER Dose food: birds in general: 5 g / 500 g of food, twice a day, 5 to 7 days. Dose drinkingwater: birds in general: 5 g/1 L drinking water, twice a day, 5 to 7 days. Stir well before use! For prevention provide your birds citric acid 5 ml per 1 liter drinkingwater daily. Measuring spoon 1+5 g. included.