Moolly Store

Moolly Store Moolly Store

Moolly Store - Ghasan Bikul AlAlwan - Ana Hazzeen

Moolly Store  - Ghasan Bikul AlAlwan - Ana Hazzeen - Ghassan is sad today.
A quarrel occurred between him and his two friends.
Let’s find out how to get his sense of fun back!
A collection of stories that teach children to identify and control their emotions. Written by Aurelie Chen Zhao Chen, illustrator and Sophrologist, or relaxation therapist, who practices in kindergarten schools.

Ghassan is sad today. A quarrel occurred between him and his two friends. Let’s find out how to get his sense of fun back! A collection of stories that teach children to identify and control their emotions. Written by Aurelie Chen Zhao Chen, illustrator and Sophrologist, or relaxation therapist, who practices in kindergarten schools.