Moolly Store

Moolly Store Moolly Store

Moolly Store - Children's swimming and heating jacket

Moolly Store  - Children's swimming and heating jacket - Colours: pink - light blue
- Environmentally friendly
- Flexible and lightweight
- Provides more information than floating above the surface of the water
Gives children more confidence and safety while learning to swim
- adjustable crotch strap,
- Keeps swimsuit from sliding up or budging.
- Easy to put on and take off
- Size:

Colours: pink - light blue - Environmentally friendly - Flexible and lightweight - Provides more information than floating above the surface of the water Gives children more confidence and safety while learning to swim - adjustable crotch strap, - Keeps swimsuit from sliding up or budging. - Easy to put on and take off - Size: From "newborn to 6 months" From 6 months to 18 months "m" From 18 months to 30 months "L"