Mlhamet AlFakher

Mlhamet AlFakherMlhamet AlFakher

Mlhamet AlFakher - Box Burger Alfakher

Mlhamet AlFakher - Box Burger  Alfakher - 12 burgers: (Naimi, Hashi, Veal, Chicken or Mix and Match)  12 patties (potato or regular)  1 box of ketchup (Heinz brand) 1 can of mayonnaise (Heinz brand) 1 can Kuwaiti fresh tomatoes 1 can American fresh lettuce  1 can American pickled cucumber    1 pack of Almarai brand cheese slices 1 can fresh American white onion

12 burgers: (Naimi, Hashi, Veal, Chicken or Mix and Match)  12 patties (potato or regular)  1 box of ketchup (Heinz brand) 1 can of mayonnaise (Heinz brand) 1 can Kuwaiti fresh tomatoes 1 can American fresh lettuce  1 can American pickled cucumber    1 pack of Almarai brand cheese slices 1 can fresh American white onion