MARCH 20 KW - نقدم أفخر أنواع الشوكولاه و الموالح

نقدم أفخر أنواع الشوكولاه و الموالح

MARCH 20 KW - نقدم أفخر أنواع الشوكولاه و الموالح

MARCH 20 KW - March Salty

MARCH 20 KW - March  Salty - Acrylic trays with leather, different types of citrus fruits, in a large quantity of more than 120 pieces, grape leaves, kibbeh with different fillings, and musakhan. The price is 23 KD. 🤍

Acrylic trays with leather, different types of citrus fruits, in a large quantity of more than 120 pieces, grape leaves, kibbeh with different fillings, and musakhan. The price is 23 KD. 🤍