M Store - Baseus 2 USB Dual USB Car Charger (Dual USB 4.8A) (code:38)

Baseus 2 Dual USB Car Charger (Dual USB 4.8A) Energy and heat in electric current, electric current, DC To bring you an outlet, in order to charge more than one device at the same time. Baseus Grain Pro Car Charger (Dual USB 4.8A) White has a high-quality polished body made of high-quality materials and designed for heat dissipation, which is Compatible with all modern car models. As for Car Charging Baseus Grain Pro (Dual USB 4.8A) White 4.8A Total Time Charges two devices in the same high quality polished body that matches the required current of the devices with you. Anti-slip and shock protection against over-current, over-powered, and over-temperature