Liquid Gold - Organic Carob Molasses 380 gr
Carob fruit is an organic fruit that grows spontaneously in nature. It can act as a supportive in completing the daily vitamin and mineral needs of the human body. It is obtained from carob fruit grown in Mersin and Mediterranean regions. Organic Carob molasses is made by Low heat used during production in vacuum boilers helps preserve vitamins, minerals and other nutritional elements in the product composition.
The most important benefits of carob is very effective against shortness of breath. because it has the active ingredient of carob which is not found in almost any other plant. This active ingredient is also so effective in some allergic asthma disorders; it is possible to get immediate results.
What is written is not a doctor's warning or recommendation. It is for informational purposes only.
the supplier company has an organic production certificate, and continue to production with completely natural methods.
size 380 gram
made in Turkey - Ordu