lamb shank

lamb shanklamb shank

sheep leg 1 kilo

sheep leg 1 kilo - Kilo 2 pieces

Kilo 2 pieces

sheep leg 1 kilo - Kilo 2 pieces

lamb bone

lamb bone - 12 pieces

12 pieces

lamb bone - 12 pieces

meat ball

meat ball - 1 kilogram

1 kilogram

meat ball - 1 kilogram


arayes - 10 whole pieces

10 whole pieces

arayes - 10 whole pieces

meat burger jalapeño with smoke cheese

meat  burger jalapeño with  smoke cheese - 1 kilogram 10 pieces

1 kilogram 10 pieces

meat burger jalapeño with smoke cheese - 1 kilogram 10 pieces

lamb neck

lamb neck - 1 kilogram

1 kilogram

lamb neck - 1 kilogram

meat shawarma 1 kilo

meat shawarma 1 kilomeat shawarma 1 kilo

8 pieces short ribs roll

8 pieces short ribs roll8 pieces short ribs roll

half gfaly lamb

half gfaly lambhalf gfaly lamb

gfaly lamb whole

gfaly lamb wholegfaly lamb whole

half arabic lamb

half arabic lambhalf arabic lamb

whole arabic lamb

whole arabic lambwhole arabic lamb

half lamb Australian

half lamb Australianhalf lamb Australian

Whole lamb Australian

Whole lamb AustralianWhole lamb Australian

1 kilogram meat cube

1 kilogram meat cube1 kilogram meat cube

sheep liver

sheep liver - 1 kilo

1 kilo

sheep liver - 1 kilo

Tenderloin Steak 1 kilo

Tenderloin Steak 1 kilo - 10 pieces

10 pieces

Tenderloin Steak 1 kilo - 10 pieces

sheep hreart 1 kilo

sheep hreart 1 kilo - Kilo


sheep hreart 1 kilo - Kilo

Sheep Back 1 kilo

Sheep Back 1 kiloSheep Back 1 kilo

Ftayel 1 kilo

Ftayel 1 kiloFtayel 1 kilo

Sausage 1 kilo

Sausage 1 kiloSausage 1 kilo

Boneless Cut Meat 1 kilo

Boneless Cut Meat 1 kiloBoneless Cut Meat 1 kilo

Arabic Minced Sheep 1 kilo

Arabic Minced Sheep 1 kiloArabic Minced Sheep 1 kilo

Australian Minced Sheep 1 kilo

Australian Minced Sheep 1 kiloAustralian Minced Sheep 1 kilo

Minced beef 1 kilo

Minced beef 1 kiloMinced beef 1 kilo

Beef Burger 1 kilo

Beef Burger 1 kilo - 10 pieces

10 pieces

Beef Burger 1 kilo - 10 pieces

Reash 1 kilo

Reash 1 kilo - 8 pieces

8 pieces

Reash 1 kilo - 8 pieces

Short Ribs 1 kilo

Short Ribs  1 kiloShort Ribs 1 kilo

Kofta With Cheese kilo 8 pcs

Kofta With Cheese kilo 8 pcs - 8 pieces

8 pieces

Kofta With Cheese kilo 8 pcs - 8 pieces

Steak Reb i 1 kilo

Steak Reb i 1 kilo - 10 pieces

10 pieces

Steak Reb i 1 kilo - 10 pieces

Striploin Steak 1 kilo

Striploin Steak 1 kilo - 10 pieces

10 pieces

Striploin Steak 1 kilo - 10 pieces

beaf bone

beaf bone - 1 kilogram

1 kilogram

beaf bone - 1 kilogram

grill box medium

grill box medium - Grill box medium  5x kaba iraqi 5x kabab shami 5 x kofta with cheese  5 x skewers sheesh tawooq 5x skewers meat tikka 1 plate arayes 5x reyash hoummus + motabbal + king bite sauce

Grill box medium  5x kaba iraqi 5x kabab shami 5 x kofta with cheese  5 x skewers sheesh tawooq 5x skewers meat tikka 1 plate arayes 5x reyash hoummus + motabbal + king bite sauce

grill box medium - Grill box medium  5x kaba iraqi 5x kabab shami 5 x kofta with cheese  5 x skewers sheesh tawooq 5x skewers meat tikka 1 plate arayes 5x reyash hoummus + motabbal + king bite sauce

beef box burger 12 pieces

beef box burger 12 pieces - Burger box 12 pieces  12 pieces beef burger or chicken burger or mix  Sandwiches  come with lettuce tomato cheese pickles Onion jalapeno mayo  Ketchup

Burger box 12 pieces  12 pieces beef burger or chicken burger or mix  Sandwiches  come with lettuce tomato cheese pickles Onion jalapeno mayo  Ketchup

beef box burger 12 pieces - Burger box 12 pieces  12 pieces beef burger or chicken burger or mix  Sandwiches  come with lettuce tomato cheese pickles Onion jalapeno mayo  Ketchup

mix grill box

mix grill box - 6 burger 6 potato bun 1 plate arayes 1 plate kabab shami 1 plate tikka 1 plate kufta with cheese  1 plate shish tawooq Hummus/ mutabel/ bread

6 burger 6 potato bun 1 plate arayes 1 plate kabab shami 1 plate tikka 1 plate kufta with cheese  1 plate shish tawooq Hummus/ mutabel/ bread

mix grill box - 6 burger 6 potato bun 1 plate arayes 1 plate kabab shami 1 plate tikka 1 plate kufta with cheese  1 plate shish tawooq Hummus/ mutabel/ bread

bbq box

bbq box - Shish tawooq 2 plates  kabab 2 plates eraqi/shami riyash 2 plates kofta with cheese 2 plates arayes 2 plates meat tikka 2 plates  Chicken  2  hummus 2 plates motable 2 plates 2 plates vegetable

Shish tawooq 2 plates  kabab 2 plates eraqi/shami riyash 2 plates kofta with cheese 2 plates arayes 2 plates meat tikka 2 plates  Chicken  2  hummus 2 plates motable 2 plates 2 plates vegetable

bbq box - Shish tawooq 2 plates  kabab 2 plates eraqi/shami riyash 2 plates kofta with cheese 2 plates arayes 2 plates meat tikka 2 plates  Chicken  2  hummus 2 plates motable 2 plates 2 plates vegetable

bbq box super

bbq box super - اسياخ تكا لومي
قطعة خبز عرايس
اسياخ شيش طاووق
سيخ كباب
قطع ريش
قع كفتة بالجبن
اسياخ قلوب
اسياخ كباب دجاج

اسياخ تكا لومي 10 قطعة خبز عرايس اسياخ شيش طاووق 20 10 سيخ كباب قطع ريش 10 10 قع كفتة بالجبن 8 اسياخ قلوب 10 اسياخ كباب دجاج 10 حمص+متبل

bbq box super - اسياخ تكا لومي 10 قطعة خبز عرايس اسياخ شيش طاووق 20 10 سيخ كباب قطع ريش 10 10 قع كفتة بالجبن 8 اسياخ قلوب 10 اسياخ كباب دجاج 10 حمص+متبل

burger box 24 pieces

burger box 24 piecesburger box 24 pieces

cashta box

cashta box - ١٠ اسياخ تكا لومي٢٠ قطعة خبز عرايس١٠ اسياخ شيش طاووق ٢٠ سيخ كباب ١٠ قطع ريش ٨ حبات كفتة بالجبن ٦حبات بيرجر لحم /دجاجحمص + متبلالتوصيل مجانا

١٠ اسياخ تكا لومي٢٠ قطعة خبز عرايس١٠ اسياخ شيش طاووق ٢٠ سيخ كباب ١٠ قطع ريش ٨ حبات كفتة بالجبن ٦حبات بيرجر لحم /دجاجحمص + متبلالتوصيل مجانا

cashta box - ١٠ اسياخ تكا لومي٢٠ قطعة خبز عرايس١٠ اسياخ شيش طاووق ٢٠ سيخ كباب ١٠ قطع ريش ٨ حبات كفتة بالجبن ٦حبات بيرجر لحم /دجاجحمص + متبلالتوصيل مجانا

friends box

friends box - سيخ تكا لومي


قطعة خبز عرايس


سيخ شيش طاووق


سيخ كباب


قطعة ريش


قطعة كفتة بالجبن


حمص + متبل


يكفي ٢٠ شخص

سيخ تكا لومي 20 قطعة خبز عرايس 20 سيخ شيش طاووق 20 سيخ كباب 20 قطعة ريش 20 قطعة كفتة بالجبن 12 حمص + متبل 1 يكفي ٢٠ شخص

friends box - سيخ تكا لومي 20 قطعة خبز عرايس 20 سيخ شيش طاووق 20 سيخ كباب 20 قطعة ريش 20 قطعة كفتة بالجبن 12 حمص + متبل 1 يكفي ٢٠ شخص

bbq box for 2-3 persons

bbq box for 2-3 persons - 5 اسياخ تكا لومي5 قطع خبز عرايس 5 اسياخ شيش طاووق5 اسياخ كباب 10 قطع ريش 4 قطع كفتة بالجبنحمص + متبليكفي من ٢-٣ اشخاص

5 اسياخ تكا لومي5 قطع خبز عرايس 5 اسياخ شيش طاووق5 اسياخ كباب 10 قطع ريش 4 قطع كفتة بالجبنحمص + متبليكفي من ٢-٣ اشخاص

bbq box for 2-3 persons - 5 اسياخ تكا لومي5 قطع خبز عرايس 5 اسياخ شيش طاووق5 اسياخ كباب 10 قطع ريش 4 قطع كفتة بالجبنحمص + متبليكفي من ٢-٣ اشخاص

Marinated Smoked Salmon and Teryaki

Marinated Smoked Salmon and TeryakiMarinated Smoked Salmon and Teryaki

paper with meat and truffle cheese pizza sace

paper with meat and  truffle cheese pizza sace - Meat with chjese in pizza sauce  just ready to cook

Meat with chjese in pizza sauce  just ready to cook

paper with meat and truffle cheese pizza sace - Meat with chjese in pizza sauce  just ready to cook

chiken with smoked mushrooms

chiken with smoked mushrooms - For 4 persons to 6

For 4 persons to 6

chiken with smoked mushrooms - For 4 persons to 6

rib-eye steak with smoked mushrooms

rib-eye steak with smoked mushrooms - For 4 persons to 6

For 4 persons to 6

rib-eye steak with smoked mushrooms - For 4 persons to 6

our delivery

our deliveryour delivery

arabic meat boxes

arabic meat boxes - Arabic meat box 4 soup plates  4 majbos plates 2 manced meat 1 lam chuck plat 1 mix lever and heart plate1/2 killo each plate

Arabic meat box 4 soup plates  4 majbos plates 2 manced meat 1 lam chuck plat 1 mix lever and heart plate1/2 killo each plate

arabic meat boxes - Arabic meat box 4 soup plates  4 majbos plates 2 manced meat 1 lam chuck plat 1 mix lever and heart plate1/2 killo each plate

beef box

beef box - 4 plates cube steak 4 plates shawarma 4 plates buftake 2 plates menced  2 plates steak 8 killo total

4 plates cube steak 4 plates shawarma 4 plates buftake 2 plates menced  2 plates steak 8 killo total

beef box - 4 plates cube steak 4 plates shawarma 4 plates buftake 2 plates menced  2 plates steak 8 killo total

beef small box

beef small box - 4 plates cube ateak 4 plates shawarma 4 plates steak Total 6 kilos

4 plates cube ateak 4 plates shawarma 4 plates steak Total 6 kilos

beef small box - 4 plates cube ateak 4 plates shawarma 4 plates steak Total 6 kilos

beef basket

beef basket - 4 plates manced 2 plates cubes  2 plates steak 2 plates shawarma 2 plates buftake

4 plates manced 2 plates cubes  2 plates steak 2 plates shawarma 2 plates buftake

beef basket - 4 plates manced 2 plates cubes  2 plates steak 2 plates shawarma 2 plates buftake

mixed box

mixed box - 4 plates majbos / arabic 4 plates soup / arabic 4 plates steak  4 plates cubes 4 plates manced total 10 kilos

4 plates majbos / arabic 4 plates soup / arabic 4 plates steak  4 plates cubes 4 plates manced total 10 kilos

mixed box - 4 plates majbos / arabic 4 plates soup / arabic 4 plates steak  4 plates cubes 4 plates manced total 10 kilos

Chicken Burger 1 kilo

Chicken Burger 1 kilo - 10 pieces

10 pieces

Chicken Burger 1 kilo - 10 pieces

Chicken Breast 1 kilo

Chicken Breast 1 kilo - 10 pieces

10 pieces

Chicken Breast 1 kilo - 10 pieces

Chopped Chicken 1 kilo

Chopped Chicken 1 kilo - 1 kilo

1 kilo

Chopped Chicken 1 kilo - 1 kilo

chiken kabab 1 kilo

chiken kabab 1 kilo - 1 kg 
12 pieces

1 kg 12 pieces

chiken kabab 1 kilo - 1 kg 12 pieces

ahish tawooq 1 kilo

ahish tawooq 1 kilo - 1 kg 10 skews

1 kg 10 skews

ahish tawooq 1 kilo - 1 kg 10 skews

flavoured chicken

flavoured chicken - Zattar flavour  buffalo tailand peanutbutter with special sauce  smoked flavour

Zattar flavour  buffalo tailand peanutbutter with special sauce  smoked flavour

flavoured chicken - Zattar flavour  buffalo tailand peanutbutter with special sauce  smoked flavour

chicken burger with smoked cheese & jalapeño

chicken burger with smoked cheese & jalapeño - 1 kilogram 10 pieces

1 kilogram 10 pieces

chicken burger with smoked cheese & jalapeño - 1 kilogram 10 pieces

Diet Box 30 meals 180g-

Diet Box 30 meals 180g- - Diet box 30 meals of each category 5 mealsChicken shawarmaChicken breastBeef burgerChicken burgerBeef steakchicken GrillThe weight of each meal is 180gNote: It is possible to replace chicken with chicken and any meat with chicken, but it is not possible to replace chicken with meat.

Diet box 30 meals of each category 5 mealsChicken shawarmaChicken breastBeef burgerChicken burgerBeef steakchicken GrillThe weight of each meal is 180gNote: It is possible to replace chicken with chicken and any meat with chicken, but it is not possible to replace chicken with meat.

Diet Box 30 meals 180g- - Diet box 30 meals of each category 5 mealsChicken shawarmaChicken breastBeef burgerChicken burgerBeef steakchicken GrillThe weight of each meal is 180gNote: It is possible to replace chicken with chicken and any meat with chicken, but it is not possible to replace chicken with meat.

meals 90 Mega Box

meals 90   Mega Box - Meal weight from 230-250gFrom each category 15 mealschicken Grillchicken burgerBeef burgerIssuanceChicken shawarmaBeef steak

Meal weight from 230-250gFrom each category 15 mealschicken Grillchicken burgerBeef burgerIssuanceChicken shawarmaBeef steak

meals 90 Mega Box - Meal weight from 230-250gFrom each category 15 mealschicken Grillchicken burgerBeef burgerIssuanceChicken shawarmaBeef steak

Drying Box 90 meals 150-170 g

Drying Box 90 meals 150-170 g - 80 meals + 10 meals for freechicken GrillIssuanceBeef steakMeat kofta with cheeseBeef burgerChicken burgerMeal weight 150gMeat and chicken slaughter KuwaitSeasonings are natural without preservativesYou can cook them in the airfryer from 10 to 15

80 meals + 10 meals for freechicken GrillIssuanceBeef steakMeat kofta with cheeseBeef burgerChicken burgerMeal weight 150gMeat and chicken slaughter KuwaitSeasonings are natural without preservativesYou can cook them in the airfryer from 10 to 15

Drying Box 90 meals 150-170 g - 80 meals + 10 meals for freechicken GrillIssuanceBeef steakMeat kofta with cheeseBeef burgerChicken burgerMeal weight 150gMeat and chicken slaughter KuwaitSeasonings are natural without preservativesYou can cook them in the airfryer from 10 to 15

Drying Box 70 meals 150g

Drying Box 70 meals 150g - 60 meals + 10 meals for freechicken GrillIssuanceBeef steakMeat kofta with cheeseBeef burgerChicken burgerMeal weight 150gMeat and chicken slaughter KuwaitSeasonings are natural without preservativesYou can cook them in the airfryer from 10 to 15

60 meals + 10 meals for freechicken GrillIssuanceBeef steakMeat kofta with cheeseBeef burgerChicken burgerMeal weight 150gMeat and chicken slaughter KuwaitSeasonings are natural without preservativesYou can cook them in the airfryer from 10 to 15

Drying Box 70 meals 150g - 60 meals + 10 meals for freechicken GrillIssuanceBeef steakMeat kofta with cheeseBeef burgerChicken burgerMeal weight 150gMeat and chicken slaughter KuwaitSeasonings are natural without preservativesYou can cook them in the airfryer from 10 to 15

diet box 45 meal

diet box 45 meal - Diet box 30 meals and 15 free shish tawooq Meat burger or meat kofta chiken burger or chiken kofta  chiken breast Chiken shawarma meat steak 100-120g

Diet box 30 meals and 15 free shish tawooq Meat burger or meat kofta chiken burger or chiken kofta  chiken breast Chiken shawarma meat steak 100-120g

diet box 45 meal - Diet box 30 meals and 15 free shish tawooq Meat burger or meat kofta chiken burger or chiken kofta  chiken breast Chiken shawarma meat steak 100-120g

saving diet box

saving diet box - 80 meal +10 free each meal 100-120g shush tawooq Chicken shawarma meat burger chicken burger chicken breast meat steak

80 meal +10 free each meal 100-120g shush tawooq Chicken shawarma meat burger chicken burger chicken breast meat steak

saving diet box - 80 meal +10 free each meal 100-120g shush tawooq Chicken shawarma meat burger chicken burger chicken breast meat steak

chicken diet strips

chicken diet strips - Diet chicken strips with weat flour 30 meals 130-150g with 5 meals chicken jalapeño cheese burger

Diet chicken strips with weat flour 30 meals 130-150g with 5 meals chicken jalapeño cheese burger

chicken diet strips - Diet chicken strips with weat flour 30 meals 130-150g with 5 meals chicken jalapeño cheese burger

fitness box

fitness box - 60 meals 200g sheesh tawooq 10 meals chicken shawarma 10 meals meat steak 10 meals chicken breast 10 meals meat shawarma 10 meals tikka meat 10 meals

60 meals 200g sheesh tawooq 10 meals chicken shawarma 10 meals meat steak 10 meals chicken breast 10 meals meat shawarma 10 meals tikka meat 10 meals

fitness box - 60 meals 200g sheesh tawooq 10 meals chicken shawarma 10 meals meat steak 10 meals chicken breast 10 meals meat shawarma 10 meals tikka meat 10 meals

diet box 200 g

diet box 200 g - 30 meals 200 g Meat steak  shish tawooq 5 meat burger  5 Meat shawarma 5 chicken shawarma  5 chicken burger 5 chicken breast

30 meals 200 g Meat steak  shish tawooq 5 meat burger  5 Meat shawarma 5 chicken shawarma  5 chicken burger 5 chicken breast

diet box 200 g - 30 meals 200 g Meat steak  shish tawooq 5 meat burger  5 Meat shawarma 5 chicken shawarma  5 chicken burger 5 chicken breast

body building 50 meals

body building 50 meals - 50 meals 200 g 10 salmon  10 meat steak  10 shish tawooq 10 chicken breast  10 meat tikka

50 meals 200 g 10 salmon  10 meat steak  10 shish tawooq 10 chicken breast  10 meat tikka

body building 50 meals - 50 meals 200 g 10 salmon  10 meat steak  10 shish tawooq 10 chicken breast  10 meat tikka

body building 30 meals

body building 30 meals - 30 meals 200 g 5 salmon 5 chicken breast  5 meat steaks  5 shish tawioq 5 meal shawarma 5 chicken shawarma

30 meals 200 g 5 salmon 5 chicken breast  5 meat steaks  5 shish tawioq 5 meal shawarma 5 chicken shawarma

body building 30 meals - 30 meals 200 g 5 salmon 5 chicken breast  5 meat steaks  5 shish tawioq 5 meal shawarma 5 chicken shawarma

fit fitness

fit fitness - 180-200 g shish tawooq meat shawarma  chicken shawarma  chicken breast  tikka lomi meat steak

180-200 g shish tawooq meat shawarma  chicken shawarma  chicken breast  tikka lomi meat steak

fit fitness - 180-200 g shish tawooq meat shawarma  chicken shawarma  chicken breast  tikka lomi meat steak

protien wrab arayes 5 pieces

protien wrab arayes 5 piecesprotien wrab arayes 5 pieces

diet chicken strips zero fat

diet chicken strips zero  fat - 30 meals 150g

30 meals 150g

diet chicken strips zero fat - 30 meals 150g

diet 40 meals 200g

diet 40 meals 200gdiet 40 meals 200g