Ihsaan Kw

Ihsaan KwIhsaan Kw

Ihsaan Kw - A gentle cleanser for dry and sensitive skin. A daily wash for intimate areas

Ihsaan Kw - A gentle cleanser for dry and sensitive skin. A daily wash for intimate areas - Benefits of Loras lotion for dry and sensitive skin 
  Moisturizing the skin and protecting it from dryness, it is the ideal choice for those with dry skin.  Nourishing the skin and giving it more freshness, shine and smoothness.  Rapid absorption into the outer layer of your skin provides lasting hydration as the outer layer of your skin acts as a barrier that protects the inner layers

Benefits of Loras lotion for dry and sensitive skin  Moisturizing the skin and protecting it from dryness, it is the ideal choice for those with dry skin. Nourishing the skin and giving it more freshness, shine and smoothness. Rapid absorption into the outer layer of your skin provides lasting hydration as the outer layer of your skin acts as a barrier that protects the inner layers