CHARCOAL FACE MASK WITH FITAMIN C +GELESRIN - قناع  إزالة السموم من الوجه (لجميع أنواع البشرة)
استمتعي بقناع الفحم المقشر العميق لإزالة السموم من بشرتك باستخدام قناع Truly Komal الخالي من الألم والغني بالفحم المنشط. تم تصميم هذا القناع لإزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة والرؤوس السوداء بلطف، مما يجعل بشرتك تشعر بالانتعاش والتجدد.
الفحم المنشط: يزيل الأوساخ والمواد الكيميائية والسموم من بشرتك، مما يعزز الوضوح والنضارة. فيتامين سي: يساعد على إعطاء بشرتك توهجًا شبابيًا. تركيبة تقشير خالية من الألم يزيل خلايا الجلد الميتة والرؤوس السوداء يوفر نضارة فورية ينظف البشرة ويزيل السموم منها
كيفية التقديم:نظفي وجهك ثم جففيه. ضعي طبقة سميكة ومتساوية من القناع على وجهك ورقبتك، مع تجنب منطقة العين. اتركي القناع على وجهك لمدة 15-20 دقيقة، أو حتى يجف تمامًا. قم بإزالة القناع بلطف بدءًا من الحواف. اشطفي وجهك بالماء البارد لإزالة أي بقايا. استخدميه 1-2 مرات في الأسبوع للحصول على أفضل النتائج.

قناع  إزالة السموم من الوجه (لجميع أنواع البشرة) استمتعي بقناع الفحم المقشر العميق لإزالة السموم من بشرتك باستخدام قناع Truly Komal الخالي من الألم والغني بالفحم المنشط. تم تصميم هذا القناع لإزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة والرؤوس السوداء بلطف، مما يجعل بشرتك تشعر بالانتعاش والتجدد. الفحم المنشط: يزيل الأوساخ والمواد الكيميائية والسموم من بشرتك، مما يعزز الوضوح والنضارة. فيتامين سي: يساعد على إعطاء بشرتك توهجًا شبابيًا. تركيبة تقشير خالية من الألم يزيل خلايا الجلد الميتة والرؤوس السوداء يوفر نضارة فورية ينظف البشرة ويزيل السموم منها كيفية التقديم:نظفي وجهك ثم جففيه. ضعي طبقة سميكة ومتساوية من القناع على وجهك ورقبتك، مع تجنب منطقة العين. اتركي القناع على وجهك لمدة 15-20 دقيقة، أو حتى يجف تمامًا. قم بإزالة القناع بلطف بدءًا من الحواف. اشطفي وجهك بالماء البارد لإزالة أي بقايا. استخدميه 1-2 مرات في الأسبوع للحصول على أفضل النتائج.

CHARCOAL FACE MASK WITH FITAMIN C +GELESRIN - قناع  إزالة السموم من الوجه (لجميع أنواع البشرة) استمتعي بقناع الفحم المقشر العميق لإزالة السموم من بشرتك باستخدام قناع Truly Komal الخالي من الألم والغني بالفحم المنشط. تم تصميم هذا القناع لإزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة والرؤوس السوداء بلطف، مما يجعل بشرتك تشعر بالانتعاش والتجدد. الفحم المنشط: يزيل الأوساخ والمواد الكيميائية والسموم من بشرتك، مما يعزز الوضوح والنضارة. فيتامين سي: يساعد على إعطاء بشرتك توهجًا شبابيًا. تركيبة تقشير خالية من الألم يزيل خلايا الجلد الميتة والرؤوس السوداء يوفر نضارة فورية ينظف البشرة ويزيل السموم منها كيفية التقديم:نظفي وجهك ثم جففيه. ضعي طبقة سميكة ومتساوية من القناع على وجهك ورقبتك، مع تجنب منطقة العين. اتركي القناع على وجهك لمدة 15-20 دقيقة، أو حتى يجف تمامًا. قم بإزالة القناع بلطف بدءًا من الحواف. اشطفي وجهك بالماء البارد لإزالة أي بقايا. استخدميه 1-2 مرات في الأسبوع للحصول على أفضل النتائج.


2in1 NO TEARS SHAMPOO AND WASH - Truly Komal's Happy Baby 2in1 No Tears Shampoo & Wash is specially formulated for babies and kids. This paraben and sulfate-free formula is gentle on sensitive skin, ensuring a soothing bath experience while keeping hair and body soft and clean. How to Apply:
1. Apply: Use during bath time.
2. Lather: Gently lather onto wet hair and body.
3. Rinse: Rinse thoroughly with water. Ingredients:
- Vanilla Extract
- Water
- Sodium Lanroyal Sarcosinate (derived from vegetables)
- Cocamide Propyle Betaine
- Decyle Glucoside
- Disodium Cocoamphoacetate
- Guar Gum
- Glycerine
- Sorbitol
- Phenoxyethenol

Truly Komal's Happy Baby 2in1 No Tears Shampoo & Wash is specially formulated for babies and kids. This paraben and sulfate-free formula is gentle on sensitive skin, ensuring a soothing bath experience while keeping hair and body soft and clean. How to Apply: 1. Apply: Use during bath time. 2. Lather: Gently lather onto wet hair and body. 3. Rinse: Rinse thoroughly with water. Ingredients: - Vanilla Extract - Water - Sodium Lanroyal Sarcosinate (derived from vegetables) - Cocamide Propyle Betaine - Decyle Glucoside - Disodium Cocoamphoacetate - Guar Gum - Glycerine - Sorbitol - Phenoxyethenol

2in1 NO TEARS SHAMPOO AND WASH - Truly Komal's Happy Baby 2in1 No Tears Shampoo & Wash is specially formulated for babies and kids. This paraben and sulfate-free formula is gentle on sensitive skin, ensuring a soothing bath experience while keeping hair and body soft and clean. How to Apply: 1. Apply: Use during bath time. 2. Lather: Gently lather onto wet hair and body. 3. Rinse: Rinse thoroughly with water. Ingredients: - Vanilla Extract - Water - Sodium Lanroyal Sarcosinate (derived from vegetables) - Cocamide Propyle Betaine - Decyle Glucoside - Disodium Cocoamphoacetate - Guar Gum - Glycerine - Sorbitol - Phenoxyethenol


TRULY KOMAL | BODY WASH - Indulge in the luxury of Truly Komal's Body Wash, a triple-action formula designed to gently cleanse, hydrate, and refresh your skin, leaving it fragrant, smooth, and supple.Jasmine Extracts: Moisturise and impart a delightful fragrance to the skin. Citric Acid: Brightens, softens, and smooth-ens the skin for a radiant glow. Exfoliating Properties: Removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores, promoting a healthier complexion.How to Apply:Wet your body with water. Squeeze a generous amount of the body wash onto a loofah or your palms. Gently massage onto damp skin, working into a lather. Rinse thoroughly with water. Pat dry with a towel.

Indulge in the luxury of Truly Komal's Body Wash, a triple-action formula designed to gently cleanse, hydrate, and refresh your skin, leaving it fragrant, smooth, and supple.Jasmine Extracts: Moisturise and impart a delightful fragrance to the skin. Citric Acid: Brightens, softens, and smooth-ens the skin for a radiant glow. Exfoliating Properties: Removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores, promoting a healthier complexion.How to Apply:Wet your body with water. Squeeze a generous amount of the body wash onto a loofah or your palms. Gently massage onto damp skin, working into a lather. Rinse thoroughly with water. Pat dry with a towel.

TRULY KOMAL | BODY WASH - Indulge in the luxury of Truly Komal's Body Wash, a triple-action formula designed to gently cleanse, hydrate, and refresh your skin, leaving it fragrant, smooth, and supple.Jasmine Extracts: Moisturise and impart a delightful fragrance to the skin. Citric Acid: Brightens, softens, and smooth-ens the skin for a radiant glow. Exfoliating Properties: Removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores, promoting a healthier complexion.How to Apply:Wet your body with water. Squeeze a generous amount of the body wash onto a loofah or your palms. Gently massage onto damp skin, working into a lather. Rinse thoroughly with water. Pat dry with a towel.


VITAMIN-C FACE SCRUB (All Skin Types) - استمتعي بتنظيف عميق وانتعاش مع مقشر ترولي كومال المغذي! يزيل بلطف البشرة الباهتة، ويمنحها انتعاشًا فوريًا، ويرطب ويغذي جميع أنواع البشرة، وهو آمن للأطفال والكبار.
المكونات الرئيسية:مستخلص عرق السوس: يفتح البشرة زبدة الشيا: ترطب وتنعم مستخلص التوت البري: يساعد على توحيد لون البشرة فيتامين سي: يوفر الحماية المضادة للأكسدة
كيفية التقديم:ابدأ بأيدي نظيفة. بلّل وجهك بالماء. ضعي كمية صغيرة من المقشر على أطراف أصابعك. قومي بتدليك المقشر على وجهك بلطف، مع تجنب منطقة العين. اشطفيه بالماء وجففيه

استمتعي بتنظيف عميق وانتعاش مع مقشر ترولي كومال المغذي! يزيل بلطف البشرة الباهتة، ويمنحها انتعاشًا فوريًا، ويرطب ويغذي جميع أنواع البشرة، وهو آمن للأطفال والكبار. المكونات الرئيسية:مستخلص عرق السوس: يفتح البشرة زبدة الشيا: ترطب وتنعم مستخلص التوت البري: يساعد على توحيد لون البشرة فيتامين سي: يوفر الحماية المضادة للأكسدة كيفية التقديم:ابدأ بأيدي نظيفة. بلّل وجهك بالماء. ضعي كمية صغيرة من المقشر على أطراف أصابعك. قومي بتدليك المقشر على وجهك بلطف، مع تجنب منطقة العين. اشطفيه بالماء وجففيه

VITAMIN-C FACE SCRUB (All Skin Types) - استمتعي بتنظيف عميق وانتعاش مع مقشر ترولي كومال المغذي! يزيل بلطف البشرة الباهتة، ويمنحها انتعاشًا فوريًا، ويرطب ويغذي جميع أنواع البشرة، وهو آمن للأطفال والكبار. المكونات الرئيسية:مستخلص عرق السوس: يفتح البشرة زبدة الشيا: ترطب وتنعم مستخلص التوت البري: يساعد على توحيد لون البشرة فيتامين سي: يوفر الحماية المضادة للأكسدة كيفية التقديم:ابدأ بأيدي نظيفة. بلّل وجهك بالماء. ضعي كمية صغيرة من المقشر على أطراف أصابعك. قومي بتدليك المقشر على وجهك بلطف، مع تجنب منطقة العين. اشطفيه بالماء وجففيه

Glow Serum

Glow Serum - Cutting edge formula with advanced Stem Cell Technology

This serum has been formulated to clear pigmentation, heal the skin from sun damage and make your skin glow. Here is what we have put in it!It is made using Advanced Stemcell technology and contains numerous antioxidants. It increases collagen turnover that improves skin texture and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. With Vitamin C, it gives your skin a firm, youthful glow. It clears hyper pigmentation.

Cutting edge formula with advanced Stem Cell Technology This serum has been formulated to clear pigmentation, heal the skin from sun damage and make your skin glow. Here is what we have put in it!It is made using Advanced Stemcell technology and contains numerous antioxidants. It increases collagen turnover that improves skin texture and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. With Vitamin C, it gives your skin a firm, youthful glow. It clears hyper pigmentation.

Glow Serum - Cutting edge formula with advanced Stem Cell Technology This serum has been formulated to clear pigmentation, heal the skin from sun damage and make your skin glow. Here is what we have put in it!It is made using Advanced Stemcell technology and contains numerous antioxidants. It increases collagen turnover that improves skin texture and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. With Vitamin C, it gives your skin a firm, youthful glow. It clears hyper pigmentation.


DEEP HYDRATION FACEWASH - Rehydrate and cleanse your face and neck with the remarkable benefits of Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamins and Aloe Vera. Your skin will feel plumper, refreshed, and more youthful!

Way of Use: Apply on moist face and neck and gently massage with fingertips. Rinse with water. Can be used multiple times a day.

Rehydrate and cleanse your face and neck with the remarkable benefits of Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamins and Aloe Vera. Your skin will feel plumper, refreshed, and more youthful! Way of Use: Apply on moist face and neck and gently massage with fingertips. Rinse with water. Can be used multiple times a day.

DEEP HYDRATION FACEWASH - Rehydrate and cleanse your face and neck with the remarkable benefits of Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamins and Aloe Vera. Your skin will feel plumper, refreshed, and more youthful! Way of Use: Apply on moist face and neck and gently massage with fingertips. Rinse with water. Can be used multiple times a day.

Hyaluronic Serum

Hyaluronic Serum - Deep hydration serum with advanced formula

An advanced formula that retains moisture within the skin. This serum captures humidity from the air and locks it within your skin.Hyaluronic Acid deeply moisturizes the skin, relieves dryness, and makes the skin supple. It has Glycerin which allows the skin to retain moisture for longer. Includes Vitamin B3 which keeps the skin hydrated and promotes skin elasticity. Vitamin BS keeps the skin soft, smooth, and healthy.

Deep hydration serum with advanced formula An advanced formula that retains moisture within the skin. This serum captures humidity from the air and locks it within your skin.Hyaluronic Acid deeply moisturizes the skin, relieves dryness, and makes the skin supple. It has Glycerin which allows the skin to retain moisture for longer. Includes Vitamin B3 which keeps the skin hydrated and promotes skin elasticity. Vitamin BS keeps the skin soft, smooth, and healthy.

Hyaluronic Serum - Deep hydration serum with advanced formula An advanced formula that retains moisture within the skin. This serum captures humidity from the air and locks it within your skin.Hyaluronic Acid deeply moisturizes the skin, relieves dryness, and makes the skin supple. It has Glycerin which allows the skin to retain moisture for longer. Includes Vitamin B3 which keeps the skin hydrated and promotes skin elasticity. Vitamin BS keeps the skin soft, smooth, and healthy.

Acne Eraser Face Wash

Acne Eraser Face Wash - Acne clearing, pore clarifying face wash

Best for acne, blackheads, and spots. Use it regularly for clear, pimple-free, bright, and fresh skin. The face wash has the following benefits:With Tea tree oil, it calms redness, swelling, and inflammation, and gives you smooth, clear skin. It has Honey that moisturizes and hydrates the skin. Salicylic acid, reduces pimples and speeds the skin's healing process. It contains Hyaluronic acid that hydrates the skin and reduces wrinkles.

Acne clearing, pore clarifying face wash 100ml Best for acne, blackheads, and spots. Use it regularly for clear, pimple-free, bright, and fresh skin. The face wash has the following benefits:With Tea tree oil, it calms redness, swelling, and inflammation, and gives you smooth, clear skin. It has Honey that moisturizes and hydrates the skin. Salicylic acid, reduces pimples and speeds the skin's healing process. It contains Hyaluronic acid that hydrates the skin and reduces wrinkles.

Acne Eraser Face Wash - Acne clearing, pore clarifying face wash 100ml Best for acne, blackheads, and spots. Use it regularly for clear, pimple-free, bright, and fresh skin. The face wash has the following benefits:With Tea tree oil, it calms redness, swelling, and inflammation, and gives you smooth, clear skin. It has Honey that moisturizes and hydrates the skin. Salicylic acid, reduces pimples and speeds the skin's healing process. It contains Hyaluronic acid that hydrates the skin and reduces wrinkles.

Brightening Scrub

Brightening Scrub - Exfoliating scrub with Vitamin C It makes the skin appear smooth and gives it a vibrant glow. This scrub is suitable for all skin types. Our brightening scrub has the following benefits :It includes Vitamin C which makes your skin Glow. Contains Vitamin E that moisturizes your skin. Infused in Zinc Oxide, it fights skin inflammation and reduces acne. It is made of Fine Sugar Granules that reduce pigmentation and prevent aging.

Exfoliating scrub with Vitamin C It makes the skin appear smooth and gives it a vibrant glow. This scrub is suitable for all skin types. Our brightening scrub has the following benefits :It includes Vitamin C which makes your skin Glow. Contains Vitamin E that moisturizes your skin. Infused in Zinc Oxide, it fights skin inflammation and reduces acne. It is made of Fine Sugar Granules that reduce pigmentation and prevent aging.

Brightening Scrub - Exfoliating scrub with Vitamin C It makes the skin appear smooth and gives it a vibrant glow. This scrub is suitable for all skin types. Our brightening scrub has the following benefits :It includes Vitamin C which makes your skin Glow. Contains Vitamin E that moisturizes your skin. Infused in Zinc Oxide, it fights skin inflammation and reduces acne. It is made of Fine Sugar Granules that reduce pigmentation and prevent aging.

Cucumber Facewash

Cucumber Facewash - Packed with antioxidants, this formula helps the overall appearance of your skin including texture, tone, and puffiness to promote a healthy glow.Reduces Puffiness Removes Sun Tan Soothes Sun Burn Nourishes Tightens Pores

Packed with antioxidants, this formula helps the overall appearance of your skin including texture, tone, and puffiness to promote a healthy glow.Reduces Puffiness Removes Sun Tan Soothes Sun Burn Nourishes Tightens Pores

Cucumber Facewash - Packed with antioxidants, this formula helps the overall appearance of your skin including texture, tone, and puffiness to promote a healthy glow.Reduces Puffiness Removes Sun Tan Soothes Sun Burn Nourishes Tightens Pores

Tea Tree Oil Face Wash

Tea Tree Oil Face Wash - Whether you have combination skin or just feeling the heat with those summer days... this intensive strength formula, made with Tea Tree Oil, will give you instant refreshed & clear skin!Purifying Anti-bacterial Controls sebum Anti-inflammatory Removes excess oil

Whether you have combination skin or just feeling the heat with those summer days... this intensive strength formula, made with Tea Tree Oil, will give you instant refreshed & clear skin!Purifying Anti-bacterial Controls sebum Anti-inflammatory Removes excess oil

Tea Tree Oil Face Wash - Whether you have combination skin or just feeling the heat with those summer days... this intensive strength formula, made with Tea Tree Oil, will give you instant refreshed & clear skin!Purifying Anti-bacterial Controls sebum Anti-inflammatory Removes excess oil

Acne Eraser Moisturiser

Acne Eraser Moisturiser - All over clearing best for acne prone skin moisturizer

This moisturizer is best for acne prone skin. For best results, use it after washing your face and applying serum . Here is how it benefits the skin:It has Aloe Vera that act as a protective layer on the skin, keeping it moisturized.The Tea tree oil in it calms redness, swelling and inflammation, giving you a smooth, clear skin.It has Salicylic acid that reduces pimples and speeds the skin's healing process.Actively controls sebum production without over drying.

All over clearing best for acne prone skin moisturizer 50ml This moisturizer is best for acne prone skin. For best results, use it after washing your face and applying serum . Here is how it benefits the skin:It has Aloe Vera that act as a protective layer on the skin, keeping it moisturized.The Tea tree oil in it calms redness, swelling and inflammation, giving you a smooth, clear skin.It has Salicylic acid that reduces pimples and speeds the skin's healing process.Actively controls sebum production without over drying.

Acne Eraser Moisturiser - All over clearing best for acne prone skin moisturizer 50ml This moisturizer is best for acne prone skin. For best results, use it after washing your face and applying serum . Here is how it benefits the skin:It has Aloe Vera that act as a protective layer on the skin, keeping it moisturized.The Tea tree oil in it calms redness, swelling and inflammation, giving you a smooth, clear skin.It has Salicylic acid that reduces pimples and speeds the skin's healing process.Actively controls sebum production without over drying.

Neem Facewash

Neem Facewash - Gently removes excess oil and deep rooted dirt while controlling blemishes and pimples. This purifying and healing formula will kill bacteria without drying your skin.Soothing Oil Balancing Pores Cleansing Controls Blemishes Rejuvenating

Gently removes excess oil and deep rooted dirt while controlling blemishes and pimples. This purifying and healing formula will kill bacteria without drying your skin.Soothing Oil Balancing Pores Cleansing Controls Blemishes Rejuvenating

Neem Facewash - Gently removes excess oil and deep rooted dirt while controlling blemishes and pimples. This purifying and healing formula will kill bacteria without drying your skin.Soothing Oil Balancing Pores Cleansing Controls Blemishes Rejuvenating

Flawless Acne Spot Serum

Flawless Acne Spot Serum - Apply on active acne to get rid of pimples. It  balances the sebum production of the skin, removes acne marks and spots from the skin and makes it clear. Infused with:With Aloe Vera, it acts as a protective layer on the skin, keeping it moisturized while reducing acne.It contains antioxidants that protects the skin from sun damage, and fights damage from free radicals.With Salicylic acid, it reduces pimples and speeds the skin's healing process.With Hyaluronic acid, it hydrates the skin and reduces wrinkles

Apply on active acne to get rid of pimples. It  balances the sebum production of the skin, removes acne marks and spots from the skin and makes it clear. Infused with:With Aloe Vera, it acts as a protective layer on the skin, keeping it moisturized while reducing acne.It contains antioxidants that protects the skin from sun damage, and fights damage from free radicals.With Salicylic acid, it reduces pimples and speeds the skin's healing process.With Hyaluronic acid, it hydrates the skin and reduces wrinkles

Flawless Acne Spot Serum - Apply on active acne to get rid of pimples. It  balances the sebum production of the skin, removes acne marks and spots from the skin and makes it clear. Infused with:With Aloe Vera, it acts as a protective layer on the skin, keeping it moisturized while reducing acne.It contains antioxidants that protects the skin from sun damage, and fights damage from free radicals.With Salicylic acid, it reduces pimples and speeds the skin's healing process.With Hyaluronic acid, it hydrates the skin and reduces wrinkles

Aloe Vera Facewash

Aloe Vera Facewash - Surprise your dull skin with this everyday hydrating cleanser which is packed with anti microbial and calming properties.Invigorates Balances Cooling Rich in Antioxidants Hydrating

Surprise your dull skin with this everyday hydrating cleanser which is packed with anti microbial and calming properties.Invigorates Balances Cooling Rich in Antioxidants Hydrating

Aloe Vera Facewash - Surprise your dull skin with this everyday hydrating cleanser which is packed with anti microbial and calming properties.Invigorates Balances Cooling Rich in Antioxidants Hydrating

Charcoal Facewash

Charcoal Facewash - Cleansing & detoxifying face wash

This amazing charcoal face wash provides deep skin detox and cleanses your face. It removes dirt and toxins, giving you a clear and fresh skin. It has the following benefits:It contains Vitamin E that gives the skin antioxidants, and improves the skin's overall health.With Citric acid, it exfoliates the upper layer of dead skin cells and deep cleans pores.Infused with Activated charcoal, draws out dirt particles, chemicals and toxins from your skin, making it clear and fresh.Provides deep detox.

Cleansing & detoxifying face wash This amazing charcoal face wash provides deep skin detox and cleanses your face. It removes dirt and toxins, giving you a clear and fresh skin. It has the following benefits:It contains Vitamin E that gives the skin antioxidants, and improves the skin's overall health.With Citric acid, it exfoliates the upper layer of dead skin cells and deep cleans pores.Infused with Activated charcoal, draws out dirt particles, chemicals and toxins from your skin, making it clear and fresh.Provides deep detox.

Charcoal Facewash - Cleansing & detoxifying face wash This amazing charcoal face wash provides deep skin detox and cleanses your face. It removes dirt and toxins, giving you a clear and fresh skin. It has the following benefits:It contains Vitamin E that gives the skin antioxidants, and improves the skin's overall health.With Citric acid, it exfoliates the upper layer of dead skin cells and deep cleans pores.Infused with Activated charcoal, draws out dirt particles, chemicals and toxins from your skin, making it clear and fresh.Provides deep detox.

Whitening Mask

Whitening Mask - All skin loving collagen packed mask

Suitable for all skin types, apply this mask for a bright, fresh look. Our whitening mask has the following benefits :It brightens and refreshes the skin.It gives an instant, vibrant glow.With Phalsa extracts, it produces collagen and makes the skin appear young and fresh.It provides deep hydration to the skin.

All skin loving collagen packed mask Suitable for all skin types, apply this mask for a bright, fresh look. Our whitening mask has the following benefits :It brightens and refreshes the skin.It gives an instant, vibrant glow.With Phalsa extracts, it produces collagen and makes the skin appear young and fresh.It provides deep hydration to the skin.

Whitening Mask - All skin loving collagen packed mask Suitable for all skin types, apply this mask for a bright, fresh look. Our whitening mask has the following benefits :It brightens and refreshes the skin.It gives an instant, vibrant glow.With Phalsa extracts, it produces collagen and makes the skin appear young and fresh.It provides deep hydration to the skin.

Charcoal Face Mask

Charcoal Face Mask - Pain less peel off mask with Activated Charcoal

A painless peel off mask that removes dead skin cells and blackheads, and gives you instant freshness. The charcoal mask contains:Activated charcoal: Draws dirt particles, chemicals and toxins from your skin, making it clear and fresh.Vitamin C: Gives your skin a firm, youthful glow.

Pain less peel off mask with Activated Charcoal A painless peel off mask that removes dead skin cells and blackheads, and gives you instant freshness. The charcoal mask contains:Activated charcoal: Draws dirt particles, chemicals and toxins from your skin, making it clear and fresh.Vitamin C: Gives your skin a firm, youthful glow.

Charcoal Face Mask - Pain less peel off mask with Activated Charcoal A painless peel off mask that removes dead skin cells and blackheads, and gives you instant freshness. The charcoal mask contains:Activated charcoal: Draws dirt particles, chemicals and toxins from your skin, making it clear and fresh.Vitamin C: Gives your skin a firm, youthful glow.

Body Lotion

Body Lotion - Nourishing & hydrating lotion with Vitamin B5

Along with nourishing the skin, this lotion gives the body a deep hydrating glow. It includes the following benefits:It contains Jasmine that hydrates the skin and makes it soft. It reduces dryness and improves the skin's elasticity. With Vitamin B5, it keeps the skin soft, smooth and healthy. It deeply moisturizes the skin.

Nourishing & hydrating lotion with Vitamin B5 Along with nourishing the skin, this lotion gives the body a deep hydrating glow. It includes the following benefits:It contains Jasmine that hydrates the skin and makes it soft. It reduces dryness and improves the skin's elasticity. With Vitamin B5, it keeps the skin soft, smooth and healthy. It deeply moisturizes the skin.

Body Lotion - Nourishing & hydrating lotion with Vitamin B5 Along with nourishing the skin, this lotion gives the body a deep hydrating glow. It includes the following benefits:It contains Jasmine that hydrates the skin and makes it soft. It reduces dryness and improves the skin's elasticity. With Vitamin B5, it keeps the skin soft, smooth and healthy. It deeply moisturizes the skin.

Brightening Body Lotion

Brightening Body Lotion - Enriched with a unique blend of Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Vitamin E, and Jojoba oil. This Brightening Body Lotion will brighten, moisturise and nourish your body. Specifically formulated to fade dark areas of skin and skin discolorations at the knuckles, knees and elbows.

It can be applied on:
Dark patches Pigmentation Elbows Knees Knuckles

Enriched with a unique blend of Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Vitamin E, and Jojoba oil. This Brightening Body Lotion will brighten, moisturise and nourish your body. Specifically formulated to fade dark areas of skin and skin discolorations at the knuckles, knees and elbows. It can be applied on: Dark patches Pigmentation Elbows Knees Knuckles

Brightening Body Lotion - Enriched with a unique blend of Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Vitamin E, and Jojoba oil. This Brightening Body Lotion will brighten, moisturise and nourish your body. Specifically formulated to fade dark areas of skin and skin discolorations at the knuckles, knees and elbows. It can be applied on: Dark patches Pigmentation Elbows Knees Knuckles

Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 - Super Activs Serum

Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 - Super Activs Serum - This formula contains both low molecular weight and high molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid for multi depth hydration with added Vitamin B5 which also helps in skin hydration

This formula contains both low molecular weight and high molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid for multi depth hydration with added Vitamin B5 which also helps in skin hydration

Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 - Super Activs Serum - This formula contains both low molecular weight and high molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid for multi depth hydration with added Vitamin B5 which also helps in skin hydration

Blue Shampoo-150ml

Blue Shampoo-150ml - Blue pigments in our shampoo actively combat and neutralize orange tones, effectively eliminating any brassy effects in highlighted brunette hair.

Blue pigments in our shampoo actively combat and neutralize orange tones, effectively eliminating any brassy effects in highlighted brunette hair.

Blue Shampoo-150ml - Blue pigments in our shampoo actively combat and neutralize orange tones, effectively eliminating any brassy effects in highlighted brunette hair.

Hair Volume Shampoo

Hair Volume Shampoo - Decreases hair thinning and promotes thickness 
Helps builds body in the shower and gives hair a lift
Great for moisturising hair and sealing split ends

Decreases hair thinning and promotes thickness Helps builds body in the shower and gives hair a lift Great for moisturising hair and sealing split ends

Hair Volume Shampoo - Decreases hair thinning and promotes thickness Helps builds body in the shower and gives hair a lift Great for moisturising hair and sealing split ends

Hair Growth Shampoo

Hair Growth Shampoo - Hair growth shampoo is great for moisturising hair and sealing split ends. Proven and tested formula to reduce hair fall by promoting hair strength and thickness along with reduced breakage.

Hair growth shampoo is great for moisturising hair and sealing split ends. Proven and tested formula to reduce hair fall by promoting hair strength and thickness along with reduced breakage.

Hair Growth Shampoo - Hair growth shampoo is great for moisturising hair and sealing split ends. Proven and tested formula to reduce hair fall by promoting hair strength and thickness along with reduced breakage.


LUXURY HAIR RANGE - LUXURY HAIR RANGE Feel the transformation with every wash. Discover your ideal hair care routine with our exquisite range of shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks.

LUXURY HAIR RANGE Feel the transformation with every wash. Discover your ideal hair care routine with our exquisite range of shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks.

LUXURY HAIR RANGE - LUXURY HAIR RANGE Feel the transformation with every wash. Discover your ideal hair care routine with our exquisite range of shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks.

Saffron Face wash-150ml

Saffron Face wash-150ml - The cleanser for oily skin regulates the oil production of your skin so that pores don't get clogged and skin stays blemish-free

The cleanser for oily skin regulates the oil production of your skin so that pores don't get clogged and skin stays blemish-free

Saffron Face wash-150ml - The cleanser for oily skin regulates the oil production of your skin so that pores don't get clogged and skin stays blemish-free

Anti-Aging - Super Activs Skin serum

Anti-Aging - Super Activs Skin serum - This anti-aging serum has been formulated to reduce the appearance of fine lines, photo damage and of general skin aging. It hydrates to improve elasticity and makes your skin firmer for a lifted look.

This anti-aging serum has been formulated to reduce the appearance of fine lines, photo damage and of general skin aging. It hydrates to improve elasticity and makes your skin firmer for a lifted look.

Anti-Aging - Super Activs Skin serum - This anti-aging serum has been formulated to reduce the appearance of fine lines, photo damage and of general skin aging. It hydrates to improve elasticity and makes your skin firmer for a lifted look.

Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% - Super Activs Skin Serum

Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% - Super Activs Skin Serum - Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) and Zinc are both renown to reduce the appearance of skin blemishes and makes our Niacinamide Serum a great product for oily or combination skin.

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) and Zinc are both renown to reduce the appearance of skin blemishes and makes our Niacinamide Serum a great product for oily or combination skin.

Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% - Super Activs Skin Serum - Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) and Zinc are both renown to reduce the appearance of skin blemishes and makes our Niacinamide Serum a great product for oily or combination skin.

Tea Tree & neem Face Wash-150ml

Tea Tree & neem Face Wash-150ml - Tea Tree and Neem Face Wash is an ideal daily acne face wash for oily and acne-prone skin
This acne face wash dissolves dirt and everyday impurities without irritating or stripping the skin of its essential moisture.

Tea Tree and Neem Face Wash is an ideal daily acne face wash for oily and acne-prone skin This acne face wash dissolves dirt and everyday impurities without irritating or stripping the skin of its essential moisture.

Tea Tree & neem Face Wash-150ml - Tea Tree and Neem Face Wash is an ideal daily acne face wash for oily and acne-prone skin This acne face wash dissolves dirt and everyday impurities without irritating or stripping the skin of its essential moisture.

Makeup cleanser & Remover

Makeup cleanser & Remover - This cleanser has reinforced makeup elimination potential and is effective enough to remove the most deep-set of impurities

This cleanser has reinforced makeup elimination potential and is effective enough to remove the most deep-set of impurities

Makeup cleanser & Remover - This cleanser has reinforced makeup elimination potential and is effective enough to remove the most deep-set of impurities

Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo

Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo - Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo restores the deep moisture reserves lost by external damages.

Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo restores the deep moisture reserves lost by external damages.

Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo - Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo restores the deep moisture reserves lost by external damages.

Scalp Comfort Shampoo

Scalp Comfort Shampoo - This anti-dandruff shampoo reduces the itching sensation on both oily and dry scalp. The scalp recovers its optimal hydration while sebum production is reduced on oily scalp.

This anti-dandruff shampoo reduces the itching sensation on both oily and dry scalp. The scalp recovers its optimal hydration while sebum production is reduced on oily scalp.

Scalp Comfort Shampoo - This anti-dandruff shampoo reduces the itching sensation on both oily and dry scalp. The scalp recovers its optimal hydration while sebum production is reduced on oily scalp.

Purple Shampoo-150ml

Purple Shampoo-150ml - Bid farewell to unwanted yellow or brassy tones, and say hello to a more balanced and vibrant hair color. When your hair appears healthier, it reflects light beautifully, resulting in a shinier, more luminous look.

Bid farewell to unwanted yellow or brassy tones, and say hello to a more balanced and vibrant hair color. When your hair appears healthier, it reflects light beautifully, resulting in a shinier, more luminous look.

Purple Shampoo-150ml - Bid farewell to unwanted yellow or brassy tones, and say hello to a more balanced and vibrant hair color. When your hair appears healthier, it reflects light beautifully, resulting in a shinier, more luminous look.


LUXURY FACIAL RANGE - تم تصميم كل منتج في مجموعتنا للعناية بالوجه بعناية لخلق تجربة علاجية وهادئة ومريحة، مما يضمن حصول بشرتك على الدلال الذي تستحقه.

تم تصميم كل منتج في مجموعتنا للعناية بالوجه بعناية لخلق تجربة علاجية وهادئة ومريحة، مما يضمن حصول بشرتك على الدلال الذي تستحقه.

LUXURY FACIAL RANGE - تم تصميم كل منتج في مجموعتنا للعناية بالوجه بعناية لخلق تجربة علاجية وهادئة ومريحة، مما يضمن حصول بشرتك على الدلال الذي تستحقه.

Rose face wash-60ml

Rose face wash-60ml - A gentle facial cleanser made with soothing rosewater that nourishes and revitalizes skin for a healthier-looking complexion.

A gentle facial cleanser made with soothing rosewater that nourishes and revitalizes skin for a healthier-looking complexion.

Rose face wash-60ml - A gentle facial cleanser made with soothing rosewater that nourishes and revitalizes skin for a healthier-looking complexion.

Brightening - Super Activs Skin serum

Brightening - Super Activs Skin serum - Skin Brightening Serum is a soft, ultra-lightweight formula that works well under makeup and absorbs quickly with no greasy or sticky residue.

Skin Brightening Serum is a soft, ultra-lightweight formula that works well under makeup and absorbs quickly with no greasy or sticky residue.

Brightening - Super Activs Skin serum - Skin Brightening Serum is a soft, ultra-lightweight formula that works well under makeup and absorbs quickly with no greasy or sticky residue.

Vitamin C - Super Activs Skin serum

Vitamin C - Super Activs Skin serum - Vitamin C Serum acts as a hero anti-oxidant that fights the effect of free radical damage and sun exposure, also repairing your skin and protecting it from pre-mature aging.

Vitamin C Serum acts as a hero anti-oxidant that fights the effect of free radical damage and sun exposure, also repairing your skin and protecting it from pre-mature aging.

Vitamin C - Super Activs Skin serum - Vitamin C Serum acts as a hero anti-oxidant that fights the effect of free radical damage and sun exposure, also repairing your skin and protecting it from pre-mature aging.


MANICURE & PEDICURE - Elevate your self-care routine with our meticulously crafted manicure and pedicure spa care line. Set your salon apart with new luxurious formulas designed to nourish, protect, and deliver the ultimate in nourished skin.

Elevate your self-care routine with our meticulously crafted manicure and pedicure spa care line. Set your salon apart with new luxurious formulas designed to nourish, protect, and deliver the ultimate in nourished skin.

MANICURE & PEDICURE - Elevate your self-care routine with our meticulously crafted manicure and pedicure spa care line. Set your salon apart with new luxurious formulas designed to nourish, protect, and deliver the ultimate in nourished skin.

Brightening & Anti-Aging Rose Water with Vitamin C

Brightening & Anti-Aging Rose Water with Vitamin C - Saeed Ghani’s Infusion of Rose Water with Vitamin C, brings a range of excellent benefits of rose water along with the healthful benefits of vitamin C. Acting exceptionally as a tonic, serum or a toner, our Vitamin C Rose Water for face deeply hydrates skin, removes impurities, excess oil and dirt and protects skin from pollution and UV rays. Vitamin C Rose water unclogs your pores and maintains an even skin tone with its antioxidant properties. This makes it a perfect candidate as your next toner or face serum, and whichever one you use it as, with consistency, it’s bound to have effective and prominent results. (120ml)

Saeed Ghani’s Infusion of Rose Water with Vitamin C, brings a range of excellent benefits of rose water along with the healthful benefits of vitamin C. Acting exceptionally as a tonic, serum or a toner, our Vitamin C Rose Water for face deeply hydrates skin, removes impurities, excess oil and dirt and protects skin from pollution and UV rays. Vitamin C Rose water unclogs your pores and maintains an even skin tone with its antioxidant properties. This makes it a perfect candidate as your next toner or face serum, and whichever one you use it as, with consistency, it’s bound to have effective and prominent results. (120ml)

Brightening & Anti-Aging Rose Water with Vitamin C - Saeed Ghani’s Infusion of Rose Water with Vitamin C, brings a range of excellent benefits of rose water along with the healthful benefits of vitamin C. Acting exceptionally as a tonic, serum or a toner, our Vitamin C Rose Water for face deeply hydrates skin, removes impurities, excess oil and dirt and protects skin from pollution and UV rays. Vitamin C Rose water unclogs your pores and maintains an even skin tone with its antioxidant properties. This makes it a perfect candidate as your next toner or face serum, and whichever one you use it as, with consistency, it’s bound to have effective and prominent results. (120ml)

Rose Oil

Rose Oil - يتم تقطير الورود الطازجة، التي يتم قطفها من بيئة نقية من الحدائق، بالبخار للحصول على زيت الورد العطري الأساسي. (50 مل)

يتم تقطير الورود الطازجة، التي يتم قطفها من بيئة نقية من الحدائق، بالبخار للحصول على زيت الورد العطري الأساسي. (50 مل)

Rose Oil - يتم تقطير الورود الطازجة، التي يتم قطفها من بيئة نقية من الحدائق، بالبخار للحصول على زيت الورد العطري الأساسي. (50 مل)

Onion Hair Oil

Onion Hair Oil - Onion Hair Oil is a nutrition rich oil that helps to control hair fall and scalp problems.

This hair oil helps to nourish your hair and scalp, and assist in transforming dull, lifeless and weak hair into strong, thick and voluminous hair. It is a non-sticky and non-greasy hair oil, making it fast-absorbing and easy to use.
Rich in flavonoids, sulphur - rich compounds and vitamins B, C, D, & E. Onion Oil helps strengthen strands, unclog blocked roots and protect against scalp infection.

Onion Hair Oil is a nutrition rich oil that helps to control hair fall and scalp problems. This hair oil helps to nourish your hair and scalp, and assist in transforming dull, lifeless and weak hair into strong, thick and voluminous hair. It is a non-sticky and non-greasy hair oil, making it fast-absorbing and easy to use. Rich in flavonoids, sulphur - rich compounds and vitamins B, C, D, & E. Onion Oil helps strengthen strands, unclog blocked roots and protect against scalp infection.

Onion Hair Oil - Onion Hair Oil is a nutrition rich oil that helps to control hair fall and scalp problems. This hair oil helps to nourish your hair and scalp, and assist in transforming dull, lifeless and weak hair into strong, thick and voluminous hair. It is a non-sticky and non-greasy hair oil, making it fast-absorbing and easy to use. Rich in flavonoids, sulphur - rich compounds and vitamins B, C, D, & E. Onion Oil helps strengthen strands, unclog blocked roots and protect against scalp infection.

Vitamin C Orange Peel Powder

Vitamin C Orange Peel Powder - مسحوق قشر البرتقال من سعيد غني غني بفيتامين سي والكالسيوم وحمض الستريك، وهو عامل تقشير فعال يساعد في إزالة الرؤوس السوداء وتنظيف المسام. يعزز إنتاج الكولاجين ويحتوي على عوامل تبييض طبيعية تعمل على تفتيح البشرة الباهتة بشكل فعال وتوحيد لون البشرة وتساعد في مرونة الجلد وشدته. تساعد الخصائص الطبيعية القوية لقشر البرتقال على تجديد خلايا الجلد وحماية بشرتك من أضرار أشعة الشمس وتنظيم إنتاج الدهون، مما يكشف عن بشرة أكثر صحة وشبابًا وحيوية!
 للحصول على بشرة نظيفة وموحدة وناعمة وجميلة مع محلول طبيعي للعناية بالبشرة خالٍ من المواد الكيميائية. (25 جرام)

مسحوق قشر البرتقال من سعيد غني غني بفيتامين سي والكالسيوم وحمض الستريك، وهو عامل تقشير فعال يساعد في إزالة الرؤوس السوداء وتنظيف المسام. يعزز إنتاج الكولاجين ويحتوي على عوامل تبييض طبيعية تعمل على تفتيح البشرة الباهتة بشكل فعال وتوحيد لون البشرة وتساعد في مرونة الجلد وشدته. تساعد الخصائص الطبيعية القوية لقشر البرتقال على تجديد خلايا الجلد وحماية بشرتك من أضرار أشعة الشمس وتنظيم إنتاج الدهون، مما يكشف عن بشرة أكثر صحة وشبابًا وحيوية! للحصول على بشرة نظيفة وموحدة وناعمة وجميلة مع محلول طبيعي للعناية بالبشرة خالٍ من المواد الكيميائية. (25 جرام)

Vitamin C Orange Peel Powder - مسحوق قشر البرتقال من سعيد غني غني بفيتامين سي والكالسيوم وحمض الستريك، وهو عامل تقشير فعال يساعد في إزالة الرؤوس السوداء وتنظيف المسام. يعزز إنتاج الكولاجين ويحتوي على عوامل تبييض طبيعية تعمل على تفتيح البشرة الباهتة بشكل فعال وتوحيد لون البشرة وتساعد في مرونة الجلد وشدته. تساعد الخصائص الطبيعية القوية لقشر البرتقال على تجديد خلايا الجلد وحماية بشرتك من أضرار أشعة الشمس وتنظيم إنتاج الدهون، مما يكشف عن بشرة أكثر صحة وشبابًا وحيوية! للحصول على بشرة نظيفة وموحدة وناعمة وجميلة مع محلول طبيعي للعناية بالبشرة خالٍ من المواد الكيميائية. (25 جرام)

Hair Growth Cream

Hair Growth Cream - كريم  نمو الشعر سعيد غني 60 مل

هو تركيبة سريعة الامتصاص للاستخدام اليومي وغير لزجة تعمل على تقوية بصيلات الشعر وتمنع تساقط الشعر وتقلل من قشرة الرأس.
بفضل مكوناته القوية الطبيعية، يغذي هذا الكريم الشعر من الجذور ويعزز صحة فروة الرأس ويحفز نمو الشعر ويزيد من قوته. يوفر ترطيبًا فوريًا لشعرك، ويساعد في مكافحة قشرة الرأس ويقلل من القشرة بشكل واضح ويهدئ فروة الرأس. ينتشر هذا الكريم غير اللزج بسهولة ويساعدك على الحفاظ على فروة رأس صحية.

كريم  نمو الشعر سعيد غني 60 مل هو تركيبة سريعة الامتصاص للاستخدام اليومي وغير لزجة تعمل على تقوية بصيلات الشعر وتمنع تساقط الشعر وتقلل من قشرة الرأس. بفضل مكوناته القوية الطبيعية، يغذي هذا الكريم الشعر من الجذور ويعزز صحة فروة الرأس ويحفز نمو الشعر ويزيد من قوته. يوفر ترطيبًا فوريًا لشعرك، ويساعد في مكافحة قشرة الرأس ويقلل من القشرة بشكل واضح ويهدئ فروة الرأس. ينتشر هذا الكريم غير اللزج بسهولة ويساعدك على الحفاظ على فروة رأس صحية.

Hair Growth Cream - كريم  نمو الشعر سعيد غني 60 مل هو تركيبة سريعة الامتصاص للاستخدام اليومي وغير لزجة تعمل على تقوية بصيلات الشعر وتمنع تساقط الشعر وتقلل من قشرة الرأس. بفضل مكوناته القوية الطبيعية، يغذي هذا الكريم الشعر من الجذور ويعزز صحة فروة الرأس ويحفز نمو الشعر ويزيد من قوته. يوفر ترطيبًا فوريًا لشعرك، ويساعد في مكافحة قشرة الرأس ويقلل من القشرة بشكل واضح ويهدئ فروة الرأس. ينتشر هذا الكريم غير اللزج بسهولة ويساعدك على الحفاظ على فروة رأس صحية.

Castor Oil

Castor Oil - زيت الخروع النقي من سعيد غاني هو الحل الكامل لشعرك وبشرتك، فهو يحتوي على فوائد طبيعية من الخروع. بفضل خصائصه المضادة للبكتيريا والمرطبة، يمنحك زيت الخروع للبشرة بشرة أكثر صحة وشبابًا. كما يمكنه تهدئة حروق الشمس والالتهابات لتقليل أي تلف في الجلد. فوائد زيت الخروع من سعيد غاني للشعر جيدة أيضًا. يمكنه تقليل قشرة الرأس وإضافة الرطوبة إلى فروة رأسك لتعزيز قوة الشعر ونموه بشكل أسرع. (50 مل)

زيت الخروع النقي من سعيد غاني هو الحل الكامل لشعرك وبشرتك، فهو يحتوي على فوائد طبيعية من الخروع. بفضل خصائصه المضادة للبكتيريا والمرطبة، يمنحك زيت الخروع للبشرة بشرة أكثر صحة وشبابًا. كما يمكنه تهدئة حروق الشمس والالتهابات لتقليل أي تلف في الجلد. فوائد زيت الخروع من سعيد غاني للشعر جيدة أيضًا. يمكنه تقليل قشرة الرأس وإضافة الرطوبة إلى فروة رأسك لتعزيز قوة الشعر ونموه بشكل أسرع. (50 مل)

Castor Oil - زيت الخروع النقي من سعيد غاني هو الحل الكامل لشعرك وبشرتك، فهو يحتوي على فوائد طبيعية من الخروع. بفضل خصائصه المضادة للبكتيريا والمرطبة، يمنحك زيت الخروع للبشرة بشرة أكثر صحة وشبابًا. كما يمكنه تهدئة حروق الشمس والالتهابات لتقليل أي تلف في الجلد. فوائد زيت الخروع من سعيد غاني للشعر جيدة أيضًا. يمكنه تقليل قشرة الرأس وإضافة الرطوبة إلى فروة رأسك لتعزيز قوة الشعر ونموه بشكل أسرع. (50 مل)

Neem Face Wash

Neem Face Wash - تقدم لك شركة سعيد غاني أفضل غسول للوجه للبشرة الدهنية. يساعد غسول الوجه العشبي هذا المصنوع من النيم على مكافحة حب الشباب بكفاءة بفضل خصائصه المضادة للبكتيريا والفطريات، مما يحافظ على البشرة صافية وأنيقة وناعمة. يتغلغل في عمق نسيج بشرتك، ويزيل الزيوت الزائدة والأوساخ من مسامك ويترك وراءه طبقة من الرطوبة. يساعد الاستخدام المنتظم لغسول الوجه هذا المصنوع من النيم على تقريبك من بشرة جميلة وناعمة ورطبة. (60 مل)

تقدم لك شركة سعيد غاني أفضل غسول للوجه للبشرة الدهنية. يساعد غسول الوجه العشبي هذا المصنوع من النيم على مكافحة حب الشباب بكفاءة بفضل خصائصه المضادة للبكتيريا والفطريات، مما يحافظ على البشرة صافية وأنيقة وناعمة. يتغلغل في عمق نسيج بشرتك، ويزيل الزيوت الزائدة والأوساخ من مسامك ويترك وراءه طبقة من الرطوبة. يساعد الاستخدام المنتظم لغسول الوجه هذا المصنوع من النيم على تقريبك من بشرة جميلة وناعمة ورطبة. (60 مل)

Neem Face Wash - تقدم لك شركة سعيد غاني أفضل غسول للوجه للبشرة الدهنية. يساعد غسول الوجه العشبي هذا المصنوع من النيم على مكافحة حب الشباب بكفاءة بفضل خصائصه المضادة للبكتيريا والفطريات، مما يحافظ على البشرة صافية وأنيقة وناعمة. يتغلغل في عمق نسيج بشرتك، ويزيل الزيوت الزائدة والأوساخ من مسامك ويترك وراءه طبقة من الرطوبة. يساعد الاستخدام المنتظم لغسول الوجه هذا المصنوع من النيم على تقريبك من بشرة جميلة وناعمة ورطبة. (60 مل)

Hydrating Eye Recovery Serum

Hydrating Eye Recovery Serum - مصل Vince Hydrating Eye Recovery Serum هو تركيبة مبتكرة جديدة مصممة لتحديد وتقوية وتفتيح منطقة الجلد تحت العين، مع تخفيف مظهر الهالات السوداء وأكياس العين والعيوب والخطوط. جل خفيف الوزن وغير مهيج ومنعش، غني بمادة Pal-GHK وPal-GQPR مع N-Hydroxysuccinimide التي تعمل معًا لتفتيح الهالات السوداء وتحسين مرونة الجلد والمساعدة في تحفيز إنتاج الكولاجين. تم تصميم هذا المصل الخفيف لتفتيح الهالات السوداء حول العينين بشكل فعال ويساعد في مكافحة الانتفاخات الناتجة عن الشيخوخة أو أي أسباب أخرى، ويساعد في ترطيب البشرة، لذلك لن تشعر أبدًا بالجفاف تحت عينيك، كما أنه مثالي للاستخدام تحت المكياج.

مصل Vince Hydrating Eye Recovery Serum هو تركيبة مبتكرة جديدة مصممة لتحديد وتقوية وتفتيح منطقة الجلد تحت العين، مع تخفيف مظهر الهالات السوداء وأكياس العين والعيوب والخطوط. جل خفيف الوزن وغير مهيج ومنعش، غني بمادة Pal-GHK وPal-GQPR مع N-Hydroxysuccinimide التي تعمل معًا لتفتيح الهالات السوداء وتحسين مرونة الجلد والمساعدة في تحفيز إنتاج الكولاجين. تم تصميم هذا المصل الخفيف لتفتيح الهالات السوداء حول العينين بشكل فعال ويساعد في مكافحة الانتفاخات الناتجة عن الشيخوخة أو أي أسباب أخرى، ويساعد في ترطيب البشرة، لذلك لن تشعر أبدًا بالجفاف تحت عينيك، كما أنه مثالي للاستخدام تحت المكياج.

Hydrating Eye Recovery Serum - مصل Vince Hydrating Eye Recovery Serum هو تركيبة مبتكرة جديدة مصممة لتحديد وتقوية وتفتيح منطقة الجلد تحت العين، مع تخفيف مظهر الهالات السوداء وأكياس العين والعيوب والخطوط. جل خفيف الوزن وغير مهيج ومنعش، غني بمادة Pal-GHK وPal-GQPR مع N-Hydroxysuccinimide التي تعمل معًا لتفتيح الهالات السوداء وتحسين مرونة الجلد والمساعدة في تحفيز إنتاج الكولاجين. تم تصميم هذا المصل الخفيف لتفتيح الهالات السوداء حول العينين بشكل فعال ويساعد في مكافحة الانتفاخات الناتجة عن الشيخوخة أو أي أسباب أخرى، ويساعد في ترطيب البشرة، لذلك لن تشعر أبدًا بالجفاف تحت عينيك، كما أنه مثالي للاستخدام تحت المكياج.

Hand & Foot Brightening Kit

Hand & Foot Brightening Kit - مقشر اليدين والقدمين من فينس هو مجموعة قوية للغاية وهي الحل الأمثل لليدين والقدمين الداكنتين للغاية. تساعد هذه المجموعة على التخلص من الجلد الخشن والميت في اليدين والقدمين وتجعلهما أكثر إشراقًا ونعومة وسلاسة وإشراقًا.

مقشر اليدين والقدمين من فينس هو مجموعة قوية للغاية وهي الحل الأمثل لليدين والقدمين الداكنتين للغاية. تساعد هذه المجموعة على التخلص من الجلد الخشن والميت في اليدين والقدمين وتجعلهما أكثر إشراقًا ونعومة وسلاسة وإشراقًا.

Hand & Foot Brightening Kit - مقشر اليدين والقدمين من فينس هو مجموعة قوية للغاية وهي الحل الأمثل لليدين والقدمين الداكنتين للغاية. تساعد هذه المجموعة على التخلص من الجلد الخشن والميت في اليدين والقدمين وتجعلهما أكثر إشراقًا ونعومة وسلاسة وإشراقًا.

Oil Control Face Wash

Oil Control Face Wash - غسول الوجه Cleanix للتحكم في الزيوت هو منظف منعش يتحول على الفور إلى رغوة غنية لإزالة الأوساخ والزيوت بلطف. ينظف بعمق بشكل فعال لتنظيف المسام المفتوحة وشطف الزيوت الزائدة والشوائب والأوساخ اليومية، ويساعد على التحكم في اللمعان والبقع. يترك البشرة تشعر بالنظافة والنقاء والانتعاش مع لمسة نهائية غير لامعة وخالية من اللمعان.

غسول الوجه Cleanix للتحكم في الزيوت هو منظف منعش يتحول على الفور إلى رغوة غنية لإزالة الأوساخ والزيوت بلطف. ينظف بعمق بشكل فعال لتنظيف المسام المفتوحة وشطف الزيوت الزائدة والشوائب والأوساخ اليومية، ويساعد على التحكم في اللمعان والبقع. يترك البشرة تشعر بالنظافة والنقاء والانتعاش مع لمسة نهائية غير لامعة وخالية من اللمعان.

Oil Control Face Wash - غسول الوجه Cleanix للتحكم في الزيوت هو منظف منعش يتحول على الفور إلى رغوة غنية لإزالة الأوساخ والزيوت بلطف. ينظف بعمق بشكل فعال لتنظيف المسام المفتوحة وشطف الزيوت الزائدة والشوائب والأوساخ اليومية، ويساعد على التحكم في اللمعان والبقع. يترك البشرة تشعر بالنظافة والنقاء والانتعاش مع لمسة نهائية غير لامعة وخالية من اللمعان.

شريط تنظيف الفحم المنشط

شريط تنظيف الفحم المنشط - Activated Charcoal is a best selling soap for good reason! This bar deeply cleanses and removes grime and dirt from clogged pores, leaving the skin squeaky clean and acne-free.

Activated Charcoal is a best selling soap for good reason! This bar deeply cleanses and removes grime and dirt from clogged pores, leaving the skin squeaky clean and acne-free.

شريط تنظيف الفحم المنشط - Activated Charcoal is a best selling soap for good reason! This bar deeply cleanses and removes grime and dirt from clogged pores, leaving the skin squeaky clean and acne-free.

شريط تنظيف اللافندر

شريط تنظيف اللافندر - Lavender has natural antibacterial and germicidal properties, making this sweet, fresh, aromatic bar an effective cleanser and acne destroyer.

Lavender has natural antibacterial and germicidal properties, making this sweet, fresh, aromatic bar an effective cleanser and acne destroyer.

شريط تنظيف اللافندر - Lavender has natural antibacterial and germicidal properties, making this sweet, fresh, aromatic bar an effective cleanser and acne destroyer.

بلسم جل الاستحمام الطبيعي

بلسم جل الاستحمام الطبيعي - Get the softest skin possible with this hydrating body wash! Rose Essential Oil has antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties that make it useful for disinfecting and soothing the skin. 
 Blossom also contains Flaxseed Oil, which treats dry skin, eczema, burns and irritated skin.

Get the softest skin possible with this hydrating body wash! Rose Essential Oil has antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties that make it useful for disinfecting and soothing the skin. Blossom also contains Flaxseed Oil, which treats dry skin, eczema, burns and irritated skin.

بلسم جل الاستحمام الطبيعي - Get the softest skin possible with this hydrating body wash! Rose Essential Oil has antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties that make it useful for disinfecting and soothing the skin. Blossom also contains Flaxseed Oil, which treats dry skin, eczema, burns and irritated skin.

جل الاستحمام الطبيعي الهادئ

جل الاستحمام الطبيعي الهادئ - Feeling tired? Let Tranquil do the work. Lavender, a natural antibacterial and a germicidal, has a mystical aroma, which elevates the mood and calms the mind, while Sweet Almond Oil and Olive Oil provide extra hydration.

Feeling tired? Let Tranquil do the work. Lavender, a natural antibacterial and a germicidal, has a mystical aroma, which elevates the mood and calms the mind, while Sweet Almond Oil and Olive Oil provide extra hydration.

جل الاستحمام الطبيعي الهادئ - Feeling tired? Let Tranquil do the work. Lavender, a natural antibacterial and a germicidal, has a mystical aroma, which elevates the mood and calms the mind, while Sweet Almond Oil and Olive Oil provide extra hydration.

شامبو الورد الساحر الطبيعي

شامبو الورد الساحر الطبيعي - Ravishing Rose Natural Shampoo combines the powers of Aloe Vera, Amla, Reetah and Sekakai to create a cleanser that strengthens and revitalizes your hair. Ideal for limp and dull hair. Keep in mind that 100% natural cleansers will always make hair feel different than commercial shampoo. It should be used as a treatment cleanser for long-term healthy hair and hair growth.

Ravishing Rose Natural Shampoo combines the powers of Aloe Vera, Amla, Reetah and Sekakai to create a cleanser that strengthens and revitalizes your hair. Ideal for limp and dull hair. Keep in mind that 100% natural cleansers will always make hair feel different than commercial shampoo. It should be used as a treatment cleanser for long-term healthy hair and hair growth.

شامبو الورد الساحر الطبيعي - Ravishing Rose Natural Shampoo combines the powers of Aloe Vera, Amla, Reetah and Sekakai to create a cleanser that strengthens and revitalizes your hair. Ideal for limp and dull hair. Keep in mind that 100% natural cleansers will always make hair feel different than commercial shampoo. It should be used as a treatment cleanser for long-term healthy hair and hair growth.

مقشر وماسك لتصحيح الوجه

مقشر وماسك لتصحيح  الوجه -

"Introducing our best selling face mask in more affordable and eco-friendly packaging! If you already have Lift Me Up Mask+Scrub in a jar, this pouch can be used as a re-fill for your jar. The name says it all! Made with pure rose oil, licorice and oatmeal, this 2 in 1 scrub+mask hydrates and firms skin, fights pigmentation, improves skin elasticity and lightens dark spots.

مقشر وماسك لتصحيح الوجه - "Introducing our best selling face mask in more affordable and eco-friendly packaging! If you already have Lift Me Up Mask+Scrub in a jar, this pouch can be used as a re-fill for your jar. The name says it all! Made with pure rose oil, licorice and oatmeal, this 2 in 1 scrub+mask hydrates and firms skin, fights pigmentation, improves skin elasticity and lightens dark spots.

مقشر الوجه فائق الوهج + ماسك

مقشر الوجه فائق الوهج + ماسك -

"Ultra Glow contains everything your skin needs to look and feel amazing! This scrub+mask firms the skin, minimizes pores, lightens dark spots and blemishes, brightens skin tone and fights acne.

مقشر الوجه فائق الوهج + ماسك - "Ultra Glow contains everything your skin needs to look and feel amazing! This scrub+mask firms the skin, minimizes pores, lightens dark spots and blemishes, brightens skin tone and fights acne.

نيرفانا مقشر الجسم المهدئ

نيرفانا مقشر الجسم المهدئ - Relax, unwind, and let go with Nirvana Body Scrub. Made with soothing lavender and calming chamomile, this natural body scrub relieves the mind and heals the body for a good night’s sleep. The magnesium-packed epsom salt releases tension from the muscles while coconut oil hydrates and smoothens the skin, leaving it soft, moisturized and gently exfoliated.

Relax, unwind, and let go with Nirvana Body Scrub. Made with soothing lavender and calming chamomile, this natural body scrub relieves the mind and heals the body for a good night’s sleep. The magnesium-packed epsom salt releases tension from the muscles while coconut oil hydrates and smoothens the skin, leaving it soft, moisturized and gently exfoliated.

نيرفانا مقشر الجسم المهدئ - Relax, unwind, and let go with Nirvana Body Scrub. Made with soothing lavender and calming chamomile, this natural body scrub relieves the mind and heals the body for a good night’s sleep. The magnesium-packed epsom salt releases tension from the muscles while coconut oil hydrates and smoothens the skin, leaving it soft, moisturized and gently exfoliated.

مقشر فرك القدم

مقشر فرك القدم - Buff your feet with our deeply moisturizing and healing foot scrub. Made with organic rice flour, Himalayan salt, dried neem leaves and the cooling powers of peppermint essential oil, this natural foot scrub exfoliates hard skin, controls and prevents skin infections, replenishes skin health and soothes cracked?heels. A hint of grapefruit essential oil leaves your skin fresh and soft!

Buff your feet with our deeply moisturizing and healing foot scrub. Made with organic rice flour, Himalayan salt, dried neem leaves and the cooling powers of peppermint essential oil, this natural foot scrub exfoliates hard skin, controls and prevents skin infections, replenishes skin health and soothes cracked?heels. A hint of grapefruit essential oil leaves your skin fresh and soft!

مقشر فرك القدم - Buff your feet with our deeply moisturizing and healing foot scrub. Made with organic rice flour, Himalayan salt, dried neem leaves and the cooling powers of peppermint essential oil, this natural foot scrub exfoliates hard skin, controls and prevents skin infections, replenishes skin health and soothes cracked?heels. A hint of grapefruit essential oil leaves your skin fresh and soft!

قناع تقشير الفحم

قناع تقشير  الفحم -

"Try this natural blackhead busting mask for the cleanest, smoothest skin ever! What makes this black-as-night mask so special? It contains Activated Charcoal that makes its way into the pores to fight excess oil and trap skin impurities. It also contains Betonite Clay that works like a magnet to draw out toxins and grime, including stubborn blackheads and whiteheads. Go on and give it a try for a deep purifying cleanse. You won’t regret it!

قناع تقشير الفحم - "Try this natural blackhead busting mask for the cleanest, smoothest skin ever! What makes this black-as-night mask so special? It contains Activated Charcoal that makes its way into the pores to fight excess oil and trap skin impurities. It also contains Betonite Clay that works like a magnet to draw out toxins and grime, including stubborn blackheads and whiteheads. Go on and give it a try for a deep purifying cleanse. You won’t regret it!