Casa Palma

Casa Palma

Teakwood Dine in Chair

Teakwood Dine in ChairTeakwood Dine in Chair

Wave Chair

Wave ChairWave Chair

Bali Hanging Chair

Bali Hanging Chair - 90x90x120cm


Bali Hanging Chair - 90x90x120cm

Beach Hanging Chair

Beach Hanging ChairBeach Hanging Chair

Dusk Arm Chair With Cushion

Dusk Arm Chair With CushionDusk Arm Chair With Cushion

Rattan Beach Chair

Rattan Beach ChairRattan Beach Chair

Rattan Bench Chair

Rattan Bench Chair - 140x30x75cm


Rattan Bench Chair - 140x30x75cm

Luna arm Chair

Luna arm ChairLuna arm Chair

Chess Chair

Chess ChairChess Chair

Bali Bench Chair

Bali Bench Chair - 160x55x70cm


Bali Bench Chair - 160x55x70cm

Casa Lounge Chair

Casa Lounge Chair - 120x 70cm

120x 70cm

Casa Lounge Chair - 120x 70cm

Croco Bench

Croco Bench - 180x40x60


Croco Bench - 180x40x60

pearl tea set

pearl tea set - Set of 6 tea  cups and coasters in acrylic box

Set of 6 tea  cups and coasters in acrylic box

pearl tea set - Set of 6 tea  cups and coasters in acrylic box

mother of pearl set

mother of pearl set - صينية مع غطا اكريلك يستخدم ماعون

صينية مع غطا اكريلك يستخدم ماعون

mother of pearl set - صينية مع غطا اكريلك يستخدم ماعون

floral rattan tea set

floral rattan tea set - Tray and coasters handmade from natural wood x rattar x mother of pearl

Tray and coasters handmade from natural wood x rattar x mother of pearl

floral rattan tea set - Tray and coasters handmade from natural wood x rattar x mother of pearl

rattan tray

rattan tray - acrylic and rattan tray

acrylic and rattan tray

rattan tray - acrylic and rattan tray

mother of pear & wood tray

mother of pear & wood traymother of pear & wood tray

dark mother of pear kettle

dark mother of pear kettle - 1 L

1 L

dark mother of pear kettle - 1 L

mother of pearl tea coasters

mother of pearl tea coastersmother of pearl tea coasters

mother of pearl kettle

mother of pearl kettle - Light color 
1 liter

Light color 1 liter

mother of pearl kettle - Light color 1 liter

mother of pear set

mother of pear setmother of pear set

acrylic and rattan tray with stand

acrylic and rattan tray with standacrylic and rattan tray with stand

moonlight table small

moonlight table smallmoonlight table small

Casa Coffe Table

Casa Coffe Table - 70x80x50cm


Casa Coffe Table - 70x80x50cm

round floating tray

round floating tray - White 90cm diameter

White 90cm diameter

round floating tray - White 90cm diameter

Dusk Mini Side Table

Dusk Mini Side Table - 30x50


Dusk Mini Side Table - 30x50

moonlight coffe table large

moonlight coffe table large - 120*50


moonlight coffe table large - 120*50



Wave Console

Wave Console - 150x40x75cm


Wave Console - 150x40x75cm

Teak Wook Bed Side Table

Teak Wook Bed Side TableTeak Wook Bed Side Table

Casa Palma Console

Casa Palma Console - 170x45x85cm


Casa Palma Console - 170x45x85cm

Rattan TV Unit

Rattan TV Unit - 180x40x50


Rattan TV Unit - 180x40x50

Casa Tiny Side Table

Casa Tiny Side Table - 30x50cm


Casa Tiny Side Table - 30x50cm

round floating tray

round floating tray - White color 60cm diameter

White color 60cm diameter

round floating tray - White color 60cm diameter

shell candle

shell candleshell candle

raisin bowl

raisin bowlraisin bowl

mop pot

mop pot - handmade mother of pearl food pot

handmade mother of pearl food pot

mop pot - handmade mother of pearl food pot

Shell Spoon

Shell SpoonShell Spoon

Coconut Candle Holder

Coconut Candle Holder - Set of 3

Set of 3

Coconut Candle Holder - Set of 3

mother of pearl clams dishes set of 3

mother of pearl clams dishes set of 3mother of pearl clams dishes set of 3

Hanging Coconut Candle Holder – White.

Hanging Coconut Candle Holder – White. - Set of 3

Set of 3

Hanging Coconut Candle Holder – White. - Set of 3

Shell Fork 15 cm

Shell Fork 15 cm - brass


Shell Fork 15 cm - brass

Palm Spoon

Palm Spoon - brass


Palm Spoon - brass

Mother of Pearl Clam dish

Mother of Pearl Clam dish - Set of three dishes 3 sizes

Set of three dishes 3 sizes

Mother of Pearl Clam dish - Set of three dishes 3 sizes

Shells Candle Holder Set of 3

Shells Candle Holder Set of 3Shells Candle Holder Set of 3

Rattan Placemat With Shells

Rattan Placemat With ShellsRattan Placemat With Shells

Balinese Boxes With Shells Set of 3

Balinese Boxes With Shells Set of 3Balinese Boxes With Shells Set of 3

Wooden Pineapple Mozaic Bowl

Wooden Pineapple Mozaic BowlWooden Pineapple Mozaic Bowl

Wooden Round Bowl With Mozaic

Wooden Round Bowl With MozaicWooden Round Bowl With Mozaic

Rattan Tray

Rattan TrayRattan Tray

Rafia Placemat 35cm

Rafia Placemat 35cmRafia Placemat 35cm

mother of pearl dishes set of 3

mother of pearl dishes set of 3mother of pearl dishes set of 3

mother of pearl dishes set of 3

mother of pearl  dishes set of 3mother of pearl dishes set of 3

mubkhar set

mubkhar setmubkhar set

Rattan Round Mirror

Rattan Round Mirror - 70x70cm (circle mirror)

70x70cm (circle mirror)

Rattan Round Mirror - 70x70cm (circle mirror)

Cleo Round Mirror

Cleo  Round Mirror - 80 cm

80 cm

Cleo Round Mirror - 80 cm

Twilight Mirror & Hanger

Twilight Mirror & HangerTwilight Mirror & Hanger

Rafia Wall Deco

Rafia Wall DecoRafia Wall Deco

Woven Mirror

Woven Mirror - Diameters 69cm

Diameters 69cm

Woven Mirror - Diameters 69cm

petal mirror

petal mirrorpetal mirror

Rainbow Oval Wall Decor

Rainbow Oval Wall DecorRainbow Oval Wall Decor

Cactus Hooks

Cactus HooksCactus Hooks

Hanging Fish Décor

Hanging Fish DécorHanging Fish Décor

Rafia Wall Decor Light

Rafia Wall Decor LightRafia Wall Decor Light

Balinese Wall Décor

Balinese Wall DécorBalinese Wall Décor

Rattan Fan

Rattan FanRattan Fan

Rattan Arch Mirror Woven Webbibg

Rattan Arch Mirror Woven Webbibg - 80x185cm


Rattan Arch Mirror Woven Webbibg - 80x185cm

Arch Mirror (Rattan Webbing)

Arch Mirror (Rattan Webbing) - 80x 180 (same style

80x 180 (same style

Arch Mirror (Rattan Webbing) - 80x 180 (same style

Arch Bamboo Mirror

Arch Bamboo Mirror - 70x170cm


Arch Bamboo Mirror - 70x170cm

Round Bamboo Mirror

Round Bamboo Mirror - Diameters 100cm

Diameters 100cm

Round Bamboo Mirror - Diameters 100cm

Mermaid Shelve and Hanger

Mermaid Shelve and HangerMermaid Shelve and Hanger

Sunshine Round Shelves

Sunshine Round Shelves - 90x30x80cm


Sunshine Round Shelves - 90x30x80cm

arch teakwood cabinet

arch teakwood cabinetarch teakwood cabinet

Mermaid Shelve and Hanger

Mermaid Shelve and HangerMermaid Shelve and Hanger

Dream Arch Rattan Shelf

Dream Arch Rattan Shelf - 100x45x180


Dream Arch Rattan Shelf - 100x45x180

Bali Ceiling shade

Bali Ceiling shadeBali Ceiling shade

Nest Hanging shade

Nest Hanging shadeNest Hanging shade

Raffia Hanging Lamp

Raffia Hanging LampRaffia Hanging Lamp

Palm Floor Lamp

Palm Floor LampPalm Floor Lamp

Long Floor Lamp

Long Floor Lamp - 45x 160

45x 160

Long Floor Lamp - 45x 160

Floor Lamp shade

Floor Lamp shade - 40x40x55cm


Floor Lamp shade - 40x40x55cm

Magnolia Rattan Basket

Magnolia Rattan BasketMagnolia Rattan Basket

Aladin Basket

Aladin BasketAladin Basket

Stripe Pot

Stripe PotStripe Pot

White Clay Pot

White Clay PotWhite Clay Pot

offshoulder white dress

offshoulder white dress - Free size

Free size

offshoulder white dress - Free size

cream set

cream set - Cream set of pant and top  free size

Cream set of pant and top  free size

cream set - Cream set of pant and top  free size

ribbon dress

ribbon dressribbon dress

white ruffles

white ruffleswhite ruffles

white crochet dress

white crochet dresswhite crochet dress



dress (white color)

dress (white color)dress (white color)

white offshoulder dress

white offshoulder dresswhite offshoulder dress

cover up

cover up - One piece

One piece

cover up - One piece

Fringe Cover Pillow 50x50cm

Fringe Cover Pillow 50x50cmFringe Cover Pillow 50x50cm

Macrame Cushion Cover 40x40cm

Macrame Cushion Cover 40x40cmMacrame Cushion Cover 40x40cm

Havana Cushion Cover

Havana Cushion CoverHavana Cushion Cover

Plain Rafia Cushion Cover 40x40cm

Plain Rafia Cushion Cover 40x40cmPlain Rafia Cushion Cover 40x40cm

Palm Tree Terracotta Color cushion cover

Palm Tree Terracotta Color cushion coverPalm Tree Terracotta Color cushion cover

Palma beach bed

Palma beach bed - Set of 2 beds With one cream seating cushion

Set of 2 beds With one cream seating cushion

Palma beach bed - Set of 2 beds With one cream seating cushion

Petal Rattan Bedhead

Petal Rattan BedheadPetal Rattan Bedhead

Palmas Day Bed

Palmas Day Bed - 150x90x75cm


Palmas Day Bed - 150x90x75cm

Arch Rattan Head Board

Arch Rattan Head Board - 180cm x 160 cm (king size )

180cm x 160 cm (king size )

Arch Rattan Head Board - 180cm x 160 cm (king size )

Beach Bed

Beach Bed - Waterproof cushion 170x70cm

Waterproof cushion 170x70cm

Beach Bed - Waterproof cushion 170x70cm

Macrame Umbrella

Macrame UmbrellaMacrame Umbrella