Casa Palma

pearl tea set

Set of 6 tea cups and coasters in acrylic box
pearl tea set - Set of 6 tea cups and coasters in acrylic boxmother of pearl set

صينية مع غطا اكريلك يستخدم ماعون
mother of pearl set - صينية مع غطا اكريلك يستخدم ماعونfloral rattan tea set

Tray and coasters handmade from natural wood x rattar x mother of pearl
floral rattan tea set - Tray and coasters handmade from natural wood x rattar x mother of pearlMother of Pearl Clam dish

Set of three dishes 3 sizes
Mother of Pearl Clam dish - Set of three dishes 3 sizesPalma beach bed

Set of 2 beds With one cream seating cushion
Palma beach bed - Set of 2 beds With one cream seating cushionArch Rattan Head Board