Beet Al3abna

Beet Al3abnaBeet Al3abna

Beet Al3abna - swimming pool 366 x 76 cm with filter with cover

Beet Al3abna - swimming pool 366 x 76 cm with filter with cover - Have fun all summer long with the Easy Set, one of the easiest swimming pools on the market This swimming pool will make your backyard a place to spend summer all summer where your family can relax and play with filter Very easy to install - just plug in the hoses and enjoy fresh, clean water Brand: bestway Playing in the open air blue color 
 (Free installation service) Size: 12 feet 366 x 76 cm

Have fun all summer long with the Easy Set, one of the easiest swimming pools on the market This swimming pool will make your backyard a place to spend summer all summer where your family can relax and play with filter Very easy to install - just plug in the hoses and enjoy fresh, clean water Brand: bestway Playing in the open air blue color (Free installation service) Size: 12 feet 366 x 76 cm