Al Sharhan Industries

Al Sharhan IndustriesAl Sharhan Industries

Al Sharhan Industries - KWIK Hand Rub 500 ml

Al Sharhan Industries - KWIK Hand Rub 500 ml - Product
Instant hand sanitizer intended for medical use and infection control

    Product Features:
Sanitizer and contains hand emollients.
Contains: 0.5% chlorhexidine, 70% ethanol as recommended by the US
  National Environment Agency (US-NEA) to combat COVID-19 virus.
The only product approved by the Ministry of Health. 

    How to use:
To be used without dilution.
Add 3 servings of the product or (6 ml).
Rub it on hands until it dries

Product Description: Instant hand sanitizer intended for medical use and infection control measures. Product Features: Sanitizer and contains hand emollients. Contains: 0.5% chlorhexidine, 70% ethanol as recommended by the US National Environment Agency (US-NEA) to combat COVID-19 virus. The only product approved by the Ministry of Health. How to use: To be used without dilution. Add 3 servings of the product or (6 ml). Rub it on hands until it dries