A3shab Taiba

A3shab TaibaA3shab Taiba

A3shab Taiba - Inaya Package

A3shab Taiba - Inaya Package - A distinctive, suitable for girls and married women 

  It is also an ideal choice for those who suffer from irregular cycle or the presence of cysts on the ovaries
  The set includes  ( Khaltat Lohom Dawra/ Chay achab Yawmi / Khaltat Gahwa/ Khaltat Hessu )

A distinctive, suitable for girls and married women It is also an ideal choice for those who suffer from irregular cycle or the presence of cysts on the ovaries The set includes ( Khaltat Lohom Dawra/ Chay achab Yawmi / Khaltat Gahwa/ Khaltat Hessu )