Buna Coffee Roasters

Buna Coffee RoastersBuna Coffee Roasters

Buna Coffee Roasters - Hario V60 02 Dripper

Buna Coffee Roasters - Hario V60 02 Dripper - Durable, ceramic body retains heat to help ensure a constant temperature throughout the brewing cycle.. Cone shape helps to better accentuate coffees with floral or fruit flavor notes.. Spiral ribs allows for maximum coffee expansion.. Large single hole can change coffee taste according to the speed of water flow.. Designed and manufactured in Japan. Imported from USA.

Durable, ceramic body retains heat to help ensure a constant temperature throughout the brewing cycle.. Cone shape helps to better accentuate coffees with floral or fruit flavor notes.. Spiral ribs allows for maximum coffee expansion.. Large single hole can change coffee taste according to the speed of water flow.. Designed and manufactured in Japan. Imported from USA.