![بلسميك - <!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page -->
gtag('event', 'conversion', {
'send_to': 'AW-16733211192/pGUxCMnevdsZELiUgqs-',
'value': 1.0,
'currency': 'USD',
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<!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page -->
gtag('event', 'conversion', {
'send_to': 'AW-16733211192/pGUxCMnevdsZELiUgqs-',
'value': 1.0,
'currency': 'USD',
'transaction_id': ''
بلسميك - <!-- Event snippet for Purchase conversion page -->
gtag('event', 'conversion', {
'send_to': 'AW-16733211192/pGUxCMnevdsZELiUgqs-',
'value': 1.0,
'currency': 'USD',
'transaction_id': ''
[removed] بلسميك - صلصة الفلفل بالكرز 200 جم

Cherry pepper relish is one of the favorites of gourmets. It is dense in cherry pepper sauce. In Turkey, people mostly consume cherry paper dip while having breakfast. Like them, you can take a slice of bread and put this sauce as a layer on it, then you can put some cheese or spice. As a different way of eat cherry pepper sauce, you can just take a bite of bread or nachos and taste the great flavor of cherry peppers by dipping the bite in it. You can also consume cherry pepper dip with adding it into your all kinds of dishes.