Noor Organic

Noor Organic

The Natural Magnesium Face Care Multiplying Set

The Natural Magnesium Face Care Multiplying Set - Safe for pregnant and lactating women and rosacea patientsThe natural facial care set contains 5 products:1/ Concentrated vitamin serum that is not used alone, but drops of it must be mixed with the cream. It contains concentrated natural organic vitamins made in studied proportions2/ A therapeutic lightening cream specifically for stressed skin. It is used day and evening. It is made with the finest active ingredients and the most important minerals such as magnesium3/ Organic face wash with frankincense. It is used once or twice daily4/ Natural facial scrub made from shea butter, cocoa, jojoba seeds and ground rosehip flowers5/ A therapeutic cream for the eye area made from the finest natural extracts such as organic coffee bean extract, organic cucumber extract, rice peptides and green tea extract, in addition to small-molecule hyaluronic acid✅Please follow the instruction card attached to the set
🍃🕊Made by nature for you
📍📌Suitable and effective for rosacea patients

Safe for pregnant and lactating women and rosacea patientsThe natural facial care set contains 5 products:1/ Concentrated vitamin serum that is not used alone, but drops of it must be mixed with the cream. It contains concentrated natural organic vitamins made in studied proportions2/ A therapeutic lightening cream specifically for stressed skin. It is used day and evening. It is made with the finest active ingredients and the most important minerals such as magnesium3/ Organic face wash with frankincense. It is used once or twice daily4/ Natural facial scrub made from shea butter, cocoa, jojoba seeds and ground rosehip flowers5/ A therapeutic cream for the eye area made from the finest natural extracts such as organic coffee bean extract, organic cucumber extract, rice peptides and green tea extract, in addition to small-molecule hyaluronic acid✅Please follow the instruction card attached to the set 🍃🕊Made by nature for you 📍📌Suitable and effective for rosacea patients

The Natural Magnesium Face Care Multiplying Set - Safe for pregnant and lactating women and rosacea patientsThe natural facial care set contains 5 products:1/ Concentrated vitamin serum that is not used alone, but drops of it must be mixed with the cream. It contains concentrated natural organic vitamins made in studied proportions2/ A therapeutic lightening cream specifically for stressed skin. It is used day and evening. It is made with the finest active ingredients and the most important minerals such as magnesium3/ Organic face wash with frankincense. It is used once or twice daily4/ Natural facial scrub made from shea butter, cocoa, jojoba seeds and ground rosehip flowers5/ A therapeutic cream for the eye area made from the finest natural extracts such as organic coffee bean extract, organic cucumber extract, rice peptides and green tea extract, in addition to small-molecule hyaluronic acid✅Please follow the instruction card attached to the set 🍃🕊Made by nature for you 📍📌Suitable and effective for rosacea patients

The Double Brightening and Natural Niacinamide Face Care Set

The Double Brightening and Natural Niacinamide Face Care Set - The Natural Niacinamide Face Care Set includes 5 products:Concentrated Vitamin Serum: Not meant for standalone use, but should be mixed with drops of cream. It contains concentrated natural organic vitamins and was meticulously formulated. Multipurpose Skin Brightening Cream: Used day and night, made with the finest active ingredients and essential minerals like magnesium, niacinamide, sulfur, blackcurrant oil, tamanu oil, centella asiatica extract, oat extract, and raspberry extract. Organic Frankincense Face Cleanser: Can be used once or twice daily. Natural Face Scrub: Made from shea butter, cocoa, jojoba seeds, and ground rosehip flowers. Eye Care Cream: Made from the finest natural extracts such as organic coffee seed extract, organic cucumber extract, rice peptides, green tea extract, and small particle hyaluronic acid.✅ Please follow the instructions card included with the set. ✅ Brightening ✅ Treatment ✅ Radiance ✅ Nourishment for the skin 📍🖍 Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women. 🖍📍 Not suitable for rosacea patients. 🍃🕊 Crafted from nature for you.

The Natural Niacinamide Face Care Set includes 5 products:Concentrated Vitamin Serum: Not meant for standalone use, but should be mixed with drops of cream. It contains concentrated natural organic vitamins and was meticulously formulated. Multipurpose Skin Brightening Cream: Used day and night, made with the finest active ingredients and essential minerals like magnesium, niacinamide, sulfur, blackcurrant oil, tamanu oil, centella asiatica extract, oat extract, and raspberry extract. Organic Frankincense Face Cleanser: Can be used once or twice daily. Natural Face Scrub: Made from shea butter, cocoa, jojoba seeds, and ground rosehip flowers. Eye Care Cream: Made from the finest natural extracts such as organic coffee seed extract, organic cucumber extract, rice peptides, green tea extract, and small particle hyaluronic acid.✅ Please follow the instructions card included with the set. ✅ Brightening ✅ Treatment ✅ Radiance ✅ Nourishment for the skin 📍🖍 Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women. 🖍📍 Not suitable for rosacea patients. 🍃🕊 Crafted from nature for you.

The Double Brightening and Natural Niacinamide Face Care Set - The Natural Niacinamide Face Care Set includes 5 products:Concentrated Vitamin Serum: Not meant for standalone use, but should be mixed with drops of cream. It contains concentrated natural organic vitamins and was meticulously formulated. Multipurpose Skin Brightening Cream: Used day and night, made with the finest active ingredients and essential minerals like magnesium, niacinamide, sulfur, blackcurrant oil, tamanu oil, centella asiatica extract, oat extract, and raspberry extract. Organic Frankincense Face Cleanser: Can be used once or twice daily. Natural Face Scrub: Made from shea butter, cocoa, jojoba seeds, and ground rosehip flowers. Eye Care Cream: Made from the finest natural extracts such as organic coffee seed extract, organic cucumber extract, rice peptides, green tea extract, and small particle hyaluronic acid.✅ Please follow the instructions card included with the set. ✅ Brightening ✅ Treatment ✅ Radiance ✅ Nourishment for the skin 📍🖍 Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women. 🖍📍 Not suitable for rosacea patients. 🍃🕊 Crafted from nature for you.

مجموعة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي للجسم

مجموعة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي للجسم - مجموعة اللبان الطبيعي للجسم تتكون من صابونية طبيعية مصنوعة من ماء اللبان النقي وزيت اللبان الأساسي النقي١٠٠٪؜  
 تتكون من : صابونية اللبان الطبيعي ٥٠٠ غرام  سنفرة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي ٥٠٠ غرام  كريم نور الطبيعي للجسم٥٠٠ غرام 
 ممتازة لتنظيف الجسم وتغذيته مليئة بالكولاجين الطبيعي واللبان النقي  
 خالية من العطور والزيوت العطرية تحتري على مادة حافظة طبيعية خالية من معززات الرغوة الصناعية  تحتوي على أنقى أنواع اللبان النقي  
 صنعت بحب من الطبيعة  لكم ✅

مجموعة اللبان الطبيعي للجسم تتكون من صابونية طبيعية مصنوعة من ماء اللبان النقي وزيت اللبان الأساسي النقي١٠٠٪؜  تتكون من : صابونية اللبان الطبيعي ٥٠٠ غرام  سنفرة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي ٥٠٠ غرام كريم نور الطبيعي للجسم٥٠٠ غرام ممتازة لتنظيف الجسم وتغذيته مليئة بالكولاجين الطبيعي واللبان النقي خالية من العطور والزيوت العطرية تحتري على مادة حافظة طبيعية خالية من معززات الرغوة الصناعية تحتوي على أنقى أنواع اللبان النقي صنعت بحب من الطبيعة  لكم ✅

مجموعة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي للجسم - مجموعة اللبان الطبيعي للجسم تتكون من صابونية طبيعية مصنوعة من ماء اللبان النقي وزيت اللبان الأساسي النقي١٠٠٪؜  تتكون من : صابونية اللبان الطبيعي ٥٠٠ غرام  سنفرة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي ٥٠٠ غرام كريم نور الطبيعي للجسم٥٠٠ غرام ممتازة لتنظيف الجسم وتغذيته مليئة بالكولاجين الطبيعي واللبان النقي خالية من العطور والزيوت العطرية تحتري على مادة حافظة طبيعية خالية من معززات الرغوة الصناعية تحتوي على أنقى أنواع اللبان النقي صنعت بحب من الطبيعة  لكم ✅

مجموعة زبدة ترميمية للشعر مع الزيت الشعر الهندي

مجموعة زبدة ترميمية للشعر مع الزيت الشعر الهندي - تحتوي المجموعة على زبدة ترميمية للشعر غنية بأوميغا 3 ، تعالج جفاف الشعر وهيجانه ، تجعل الشعر أكثر صحة ولمعان ، ممتازة للشعر المصبوغ ، مكونات عضوية طبيعية ١٠٠٪؜ طريقة الاستخدام  
 يؤخذ ملعقة او ملعقتين من زبدة الشعر ووضع كميه مناسبه مع الزيت وتسخينهم ثم وضعهم على الشعر لمدة ساعتين ثم غسل الشعر جيدا بالشامبو

تحتوي المجموعة على زبدة ترميمية للشعر غنية بأوميغا 3 ، تعالج جفاف الشعر وهيجانه ، تجعل الشعر أكثر صحة ولمعان ، ممتازة للشعر المصبوغ ، مكونات عضوية طبيعية ١٠٠٪؜ طريقة الاستخدام  يؤخذ ملعقة او ملعقتين من زبدة الشعر ووضع كميه مناسبه مع الزيت وتسخينهم ثم وضعهم على الشعر لمدة ساعتين ثم غسل الشعر جيدا بالشامبو

مجموعة زبدة ترميمية للشعر مع الزيت الشعر الهندي - تحتوي المجموعة على زبدة ترميمية للشعر غنية بأوميغا 3 ، تعالج جفاف الشعر وهيجانه ، تجعل الشعر أكثر صحة ولمعان ، ممتازة للشعر المصبوغ ، مكونات عضوية طبيعية ١٠٠٪؜ طريقة الاستخدام  يؤخذ ملعقة او ملعقتين من زبدة الشعر ووضع كميه مناسبه مع الزيت وتسخينهم ثم وضعهم على الشعر لمدة ساعتين ثم غسل الشعر جيدا بالشامبو

مجموعة الطفل بالماندرين العضوي

مجموعة الطفل بالماندرين العضوي - سائل استحمام عضوي بالماندرين ٢٥٠ مل  
 زيت الجسم من الزيوت العضوي بالماندرين ٢٠٠ مل  

سائل استحمام عضوي بالماندرين ٢٥٠ مل  زيت الجسم من الزيوت العضوي بالماندرين ٢٠٠ مل  👧🧒

مجموعة الطفل بالماندرين العضوي - سائل استحمام عضوي بالماندرين ٢٥٠ مل  زيت الجسم من الزيوت العضوي بالماندرين ٢٠٠ مل  👧🧒

مجموعة تحفيز الكولاجين الطبيعية باللبان

مجموعة تحفيز الكولاجين الطبيعية باللبان - تتكون من: 
 - لبان حوجوري للشرب ويمكن عمل تونر للوجه منه 
 _ شور جل باللبان للجسم   
 _ زيت لمساج الوجه باللبان  هذا المجموعة تساعد البشرة على تحفيز تكوين اللبان بشكل طبيعي

تتكون من: - لبان حوجوري للشرب ويمكن عمل تونر للوجه منه _ شور جل باللبان للجسم   _ زيت لمساج الوجه باللبان  هذا المجموعة تساعد البشرة على تحفيز تكوين اللبان بشكل طبيعي

مجموعة تحفيز الكولاجين الطبيعية باللبان - تتكون من: - لبان حوجوري للشرب ويمكن عمل تونر للوجه منه _ شور جل باللبان للجسم   _ زيت لمساج الوجه باللبان  هذا المجموعة تساعد البشرة على تحفيز تكوين اللبان بشكل طبيعي

نقصة رمضانية مجموعة كحل الاثمد النقي + مكحلة نحاس + هدية مجانًا غسول الوجه العضوي باللبان+ شحم بقري

نقصة رمضانية  مجموعة كحل الاثمد النقي + مكحلة نحاس + هدية مجانًا غسول الوجه العضوي باللبان+ شحم بقري - كحل الاثمد :  كحل تم فحصه ، خالي من المعادن الثقيلة  كحل مطحون من حجر الاثمد النقي

كحل الاثمد :  كحل تم فحصه ، خالي من المعادن الثقيلة  كحل مطحون من حجر الاثمد النقي

نقصة رمضانية مجموعة كحل الاثمد النقي + مكحلة نحاس + هدية مجانًا غسول الوجه العضوي باللبان+ شحم بقري - كحل الاثمد :  كحل تم فحصه ، خالي من المعادن الثقيلة  كحل مطحون من حجر الاثمد النقي

Hand Care Set (Moisturizing Cream 200ml Argan Oil + 100ml Natural Sun Protection Cream 100ml)

Hand Care Set (Moisturizing Cream 200ml Argan Oil + 100ml Natural Sun Protection Cream 100ml) - Hand Care Set (Moisturizing Cream 200ml Argan Oil + 100ml Natural Sunscreen Cream 100ml) Natural✅ Free of harmful substances✅ ✅Deeply moisturizes hands ✅Nourishes hands and fights dryness

Hand Care Set (Moisturizing Cream 200ml Argan Oil + 100ml Natural Sunscreen Cream 100ml) Natural✅ Free of harmful substances✅ ✅Deeply moisturizes hands ✅Nourishes hands and fights dryness

Hand Care Set (Moisturizing Cream 200ml Argan Oil + 100ml Natural Sun Protection Cream 100ml) - Hand Care Set (Moisturizing Cream 200ml Argan Oil + 100ml Natural Sunscreen Cream 100ml) Natural✅ Free of harmful substances✅ ✅Deeply moisturizes hands ✅Nourishes hands and fights dryness

Indian Hair Set with Sprouting Herbs (Powder)

Indian Hair Set with Sprouting Herbs (Powder) - Indian set contains sprouting herbs and vitamins. It also contains oil with herbal extracts, 100% natural Sidr and henna. The group can be replaced with (2 Sidr and oil for dyed hair) or (2 henna and oil) for non-dyed hair (the group is a summary of a study on hair components that works on Repairing damaged hair and follicles, giving hair vitality and luster, and helping to grow while continuing). Please follow the instructions and adhere to the attached table.

Indian set contains sprouting herbs and vitamins. It also contains oil with herbal extracts, 100% natural Sidr and henna. The group can be replaced with (2 Sidr and oil for dyed hair) or (2 henna and oil) for non-dyed hair (the group is a summary of a study on hair components that works on Repairing damaged hair and follicles, giving hair vitality and luster, and helping to grow while continuing). Please follow the instructions and adhere to the attached table.

Indian Hair Set with Sprouting Herbs (Powder) - Indian set contains sprouting herbs and vitamins. It also contains oil with herbal extracts, 100% natural Sidr and henna. The group can be replaced with (2 Sidr and oil for dyed hair) or (2 henna and oil) for non-dyed hair (the group is a summary of a study on hair components that works on Repairing damaged hair and follicles, giving hair vitality and luster, and helping to grow while continuing). Please follow the instructions and adhere to the attached table.

Extra Whitening Set with Saffron and Turmeric

Extra Whitening Set with Saffron and Turmeric - Saffron Extra Lightening group with Alpha Arbutin works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating the superficial effects and works to give the skin freshness, luster, vitality and lightening for all parts of the body because it contains Alpha Arbutin, licorice extract, papaya extract and vitamins

Saffron Extra Lightening group with Alpha Arbutin works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating the superficial effects and works to give the skin freshness, luster, vitality and lightening for all parts of the body because it contains Alpha Arbutin, licorice extract, papaya extract and vitamins

Extra Whitening Set with Saffron and Turmeric - Saffron Extra Lightening group with Alpha Arbutin works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating the superficial effects and works to give the skin freshness, luster, vitality and lightening for all parts of the body because it contains Alpha Arbutin, licorice extract, papaya extract and vitamins

Green Tea and Matcha Extra whitening Set with Alpha Arbutin and Moringa oil

Green Tea and Matcha Extra whitening Set with Alpha Arbutin and Moringa oil - It works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating surface effects and working to give the skin freshness, luster and vitality, very suitable for skin suffering from eczema and skin diseases.

It works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating surface effects and working to give the skin freshness, luster and vitality, very suitable for skin suffering from eczema and skin diseases.

Green Tea and Matcha Extra whitening Set with Alpha Arbutin and Moringa oil - It works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating surface effects and working to give the skin freshness, luster and vitality, very suitable for skin suffering from eczema and skin diseases.

Extra Whitening Set with Coffee and Quarana

Extra Whitening Set with Coffee and Quarana - It works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating surface effects, and works to give the skin freshness, luster and vitality, in addition to restoring the skin, treating lines and improving the texture of the skin, because it contains caffeine and guarana.

It works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating surface effects, and works to give the skin freshness, luster and vitality, in addition to restoring the skin, treating lines and improving the texture of the skin, because it contains caffeine and guarana.

Extra Whitening Set with Coffee and Quarana - It works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating surface effects, and works to give the skin freshness, luster and vitality, in addition to restoring the skin, treating lines and improving the texture of the skin, because it contains caffeine and guarana.

Double care Set for Pregnant and Lactating Women and Children with Coffee

Double care Set for Pregnant and Lactating Women and Children with Coffee - It works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating surface effects, and works to give the skin freshness, luster and vitality, in addition to restoring the skin, treating lines and improving the texture of the skin.

It works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating surface effects, and works to give the skin freshness, luster and vitality, in addition to restoring the skin, treating lines and improving the texture of the skin.

Double care Set for Pregnant and Lactating Women and Children with Coffee - It works to lighten dark areas, nourish the skin and supply it with the necessary vitamins, in addition to treating surface effects, and works to give the skin freshness, luster and vitality, in addition to restoring the skin, treating lines and improving the texture of the skin.

Natural Lip Care Set

Natural Lip Care Set - The lip kit is made with the finest 100% natural and organic ingredients, and the most expensive butters such as kokum butter, raw cocoa butter and unrefined shea butter. The kit consists of a lip scrub and a natural moisturizer, which treats the lips, gets rid of cracks and gives a light fullness to the lips because it contains organic cinnamon oil.

The lip kit is made with the finest 100% natural and organic ingredients, and the most expensive butters such as kokum butter, raw cocoa butter and unrefined shea butter. The kit consists of a lip scrub and a natural moisturizer, which treats the lips, gets rid of cracks and gives a light fullness to the lips because it contains organic cinnamon oil.

Natural Lip Care Set - The lip kit is made with the finest 100% natural and organic ingredients, and the most expensive butters such as kokum butter, raw cocoa butter and unrefined shea butter. The kit consists of a lip scrub and a natural moisturizer, which treats the lips, gets rid of cracks and gives a light fullness to the lips because it contains organic cinnamon oil.

The Natural Hair Protein Set 500 ML

The Natural Hair Protein Set 500 ML - Natural hair set is safe for pregnant and lactating women, men and children from one year old… Contains seaweed keratin and organic rice protein… Suitable for dyed and undyed hair… Nourishes and straightens hair in a safe, natural way free of harmful substances… Contains therapeutic oils and butters specifically for hair in addition to a high-quality type of honey specifically for hair… ✅ Softness ✅ Moisturizing ✅ Nourishment for hair

Natural hair set is safe for pregnant and lactating women, men and children from one year old… Contains seaweed keratin and organic rice protein… Suitable for dyed and undyed hair… Nourishes and straightens hair in a safe, natural way free of harmful substances… Contains therapeutic oils and butters specifically for hair in addition to a high-quality type of honey specifically for hair… ✅ Softness ✅ Moisturizing ✅ Nourishment for hair

The Natural Hair Protein Set 500 ML - Natural hair set is safe for pregnant and lactating women, men and children from one year old… Contains seaweed keratin and organic rice protein… Suitable for dyed and undyed hair… Nourishes and straightens hair in a safe, natural way free of harmful substances… Contains therapeutic oils and butters specifically for hair in addition to a high-quality type of honey specifically for hair… ✅ Softness ✅ Moisturizing ✅ Nourishment for hair

Vitamin C Box

Vitamin C Box - This set is made once a year... This set has been carefully studied... It contains Bacoor butter and natural organic oils... It contains high concentrations of vitamin C in its natural formula from camu camu extract, amla and rosehip... It works to protect the skin from cracks and moisturize it

This set is made once a year... This set has been carefully studied... It contains Bacoor butter and natural organic oils... It contains high concentrations of vitamin C in its natural formula from camu camu extract, amla and rosehip... It works to protect the skin from cracks and moisturize it

Vitamin C Box - This set is made once a year... This set has been carefully studied... It contains Bacoor butter and natural organic oils... It contains high concentrations of vitamin C in its natural formula from camu camu extract, amla and rosehip... It works to protect the skin from cracks and moisturize it

تنت جذور الألكانيت العضوية الطبيعي

تنت جذور الألكانيت العضوية الطبيعي - مغذي ومرطب للبشرة لاحتوائه على فيتامين e، وزيت اللبان الأساسي العضوي والجلسرين النباتي الخام  المكونات :  جلسرين نباتي ، خلاصة جذور الألكانيت العضوية ، مطحون العكر الفاسي الخام ، فيتامين e عضوي ، زيت اللبان الأساسي العضوي 
 ✅ خالي من الألوان الصناعية  ✅تم انتاجه من مواد طبيعية وعضوية  ✅خالي من المواد الحافظة  ✅ قابل للأكل

مغذي ومرطب للبشرة لاحتوائه على فيتامين e، وزيت اللبان الأساسي العضوي والجلسرين النباتي الخام  المكونات :  جلسرين نباتي ، خلاصة جذور الألكانيت العضوية ، مطحون العكر الفاسي الخام ، فيتامين e عضوي ، زيت اللبان الأساسي العضوي ✅ خالي من الألوان الصناعية  ✅تم انتاجه من مواد طبيعية وعضوية  ✅خالي من المواد الحافظة  ✅ قابل للأكل

تنت جذور الألكانيت العضوية الطبيعي - مغذي ومرطب للبشرة لاحتوائه على فيتامين e، وزيت اللبان الأساسي العضوي والجلسرين النباتي الخام  المكونات :  جلسرين نباتي ، خلاصة جذور الألكانيت العضوية ، مطحون العكر الفاسي الخام ، فيتامين e عضوي ، زيت اللبان الأساسي العضوي ✅ خالي من الألوان الصناعية  ✅تم انتاجه من مواد طبيعية وعضوية  ✅خالي من المواد الحافظة  ✅ قابل للأكل

زيت الجسم بالماندرين العضوي للأطفال ٢٠٠ مل

زيت الجسم بالماندرين العضوي للأطفال ٢٠٠ ملزيت الجسم بالماندرين العضوي للأطفال ٢٠٠ مل

مرطب ومرمم للشفاه بالشحم البقري والنعناع الفلفلي 20 غرام

مرطب ومرمم للشفاه بالشحم البقري والنعناع الفلفلي 20 غرام - مرطب ومرمم للشفاه بالشحم البقري والنعناع الفلفلي 20 غرام  
 بحتوي على شمع النحل الخام ، شحم بقري ، فيتامين e ، زبدة شيا عضوية ، نعناع فلفلي

مرطب ومرمم للشفاه بالشحم البقري والنعناع الفلفلي 20 غرام  بحتوي على شمع النحل الخام ، شحم بقري ، فيتامين e ، زبدة شيا عضوية ، نعناع فلفلي

مرطب ومرمم للشفاه بالشحم البقري والنعناع الفلفلي 20 غرام - مرطب ومرمم للشفاه بالشحم البقري والنعناع الفلفلي 20 غرام  بحتوي على شمع النحل الخام ، شحم بقري ، فيتامين e ، زبدة شيا عضوية ، نعناع فلفلي

زبدة الشعر العلاجية ببذور الكتان والقرع والشحم البقري 500 غرام

زبدة الشعر العلاجية ببذور الكتان والقرع والشحم البقري 500 غرام - زبدة ترميمية للشعر غنية بأوميغا 3 ، تعالج جفاف الشعر وهيجانه ، تجعل الشعر أكثر صحة ولمعان ، ممتازة للشعر المصبوغ ، مكونات عضوية طبيعية ١٠٠٪؜ طريقة الاستخدام  
 يؤخذ ملعقة او ملعقتين من زبدة الشعر ووضع كميه مناسبه مع الزيت وتسخينهم ثم وضعهم على الشعر لمدة ساعتين ثم غسل الشعر جيدا بالشامبو

زبدة ترميمية للشعر غنية بأوميغا 3 ، تعالج جفاف الشعر وهيجانه ، تجعل الشعر أكثر صحة ولمعان ، ممتازة للشعر المصبوغ ، مكونات عضوية طبيعية ١٠٠٪؜ طريقة الاستخدام  يؤخذ ملعقة او ملعقتين من زبدة الشعر ووضع كميه مناسبه مع الزيت وتسخينهم ثم وضعهم على الشعر لمدة ساعتين ثم غسل الشعر جيدا بالشامبو

زبدة الشعر العلاجية ببذور الكتان والقرع والشحم البقري 500 غرام - زبدة ترميمية للشعر غنية بأوميغا 3 ، تعالج جفاف الشعر وهيجانه ، تجعل الشعر أكثر صحة ولمعان ، ممتازة للشعر المصبوغ ، مكونات عضوية طبيعية ١٠٠٪؜ طريقة الاستخدام  يؤخذ ملعقة او ملعقتين من زبدة الشعر ووضع كميه مناسبه مع الزيت وتسخينهم ثم وضعهم على الشعر لمدة ساعتين ثم غسل الشعر جيدا بالشامبو

سائل استحمام عضوي بالمندرين للأطفال 250 ml

سائل استحمام عضوي بالمندرين للأطفال 250 mlسائل استحمام عضوي بالمندرين للأطفال 250 ml

كريم البطاطا البرية العضوية ( wild yam cream ) كريم بروجسترون طبيعي 200 grams

كريم البطاطا البرية العضوية ( wild yam cream ) كريم بروجسترون طبيعي 200 grams - تخفيف حدة الأعراض المرافقة لمرحلة انقطاع الطمث.✅تخفيف حدة أعراض المتلازمة السابقة للحيض.✅محاربة بعض المشكلات الصحية المتعلقة بالهرمونات ✅الجنسية✅وإعادة التوازن لهذه الهرمونات، لا سيما لدى النساء اللواتي تجاوزن سن انقطاع الطمث.✅لحالات هيمنة الاستروجين ✅ممتاز للتكيسات ✅ممتاز لضبط الهرمونات ✅جيد للمحافظة على هرمونات المرأة بشكل عام بسبب الإجهاد 
_ ينظم الهرمونات- مفيد لحالات آلام الطمث - ⁠للتكيسات - ⁠لحالات الهبات الساخنه والتعرق الليلي - ⁠الأورام الليفية - ⁠عدم انتظام الدورة - ⁠او كوقاية من لخبطة الهرمونات

يوضع مرتين يوميا على مكان الغدة الدرقية والصدر وبين الأفخاذ وأعلى البطن لمدة ٣ أسابيع ولا يستخدم وقت الدورة الشهرية 
اما النساء اللاتي توقف لديهن الطمث يتم وضع الكريم ٣ أسابيع في الشهر ووقفه أسبوع واحد فقط

تخفيف حدة الأعراض المرافقة لمرحلة انقطاع الطمث.✅تخفيف حدة أعراض المتلازمة السابقة للحيض.✅محاربة بعض المشكلات الصحية المتعلقة بالهرمونات ✅الجنسية✅وإعادة التوازن لهذه الهرمونات، لا سيما لدى النساء اللواتي تجاوزن سن انقطاع الطمث.✅لحالات هيمنة الاستروجين ✅ممتاز للتكيسات ✅ممتاز لضبط الهرمونات ✅جيد للمحافظة على هرمونات المرأة بشكل عام بسبب الإجهاد  _ ينظم الهرمونات- مفيد لحالات آلام الطمث - ⁠للتكيسات - ⁠لحالات الهبات الساخنه والتعرق الليلي - ⁠الأورام الليفية - ⁠عدم انتظام الدورة - ⁠او كوقاية من لخبطة الهرمونات يوضع مرتين يوميا على مكان الغدة الدرقية والصدر وبين الأفخاذ وأعلى البطن لمدة ٣ أسابيع ولا يستخدم وقت الدورة الشهرية  اما النساء اللاتي توقف لديهن الطمث يتم وضع الكريم ٣ أسابيع في الشهر ووقفه أسبوع واحد فقط

كريم البطاطا البرية العضوية ( wild yam cream ) كريم بروجسترون طبيعي 200 grams - تخفيف حدة الأعراض المرافقة لمرحلة انقطاع الطمث.✅تخفيف حدة أعراض المتلازمة السابقة للحيض.✅محاربة بعض المشكلات الصحية المتعلقة بالهرمونات ✅الجنسية✅وإعادة التوازن لهذه الهرمونات، لا سيما لدى النساء اللواتي تجاوزن سن انقطاع الطمث.✅لحالات هيمنة الاستروجين ✅ممتاز للتكيسات ✅ممتاز لضبط الهرمونات ✅جيد للمحافظة على هرمونات المرأة بشكل عام بسبب الإجهاد  _ ينظم الهرمونات- مفيد لحالات آلام الطمث - ⁠للتكيسات - ⁠لحالات الهبات الساخنه والتعرق الليلي - ⁠الأورام الليفية - ⁠عدم انتظام الدورة - ⁠او كوقاية من لخبطة الهرمونات يوضع مرتين يوميا على مكان الغدة الدرقية والصدر وبين الأفخاذ وأعلى البطن لمدة ٣ أسابيع ولا يستخدم وقت الدورة الشهرية  اما النساء اللاتي توقف لديهن الطمث يتم وضع الكريم ٣ أسابيع في الشهر ووقفه أسبوع واحد فقط

زيت مساج الوجه باللبان العضوي 100 ml

زيت مساج الوجه باللبان العضوي 100 ml - المكونات :  زيت بذور العنب العضوي ، زيت الخروع العضوي خالي من الهكسين ، زيت اللبان العضوي الأساسي  
 يستخدم زيت المساج لمساج الوجه باستخدام اليد او باستخدام  حجر الغواشا لشد الوجه وحمايته من التجاعيد

المكونات :  زيت بذور العنب العضوي ، زيت الخروع العضوي خالي من الهكسين ، زيت اللبان العضوي الأساسي  يستخدم زيت المساج لمساج الوجه باستخدام اليد او باستخدام  حجر الغواشا لشد الوجه وحمايته من التجاعيد

زيت مساج الوجه باللبان العضوي 100 ml - المكونات :  زيت بذور العنب العضوي ، زيت الخروع العضوي خالي من الهكسين ، زيت اللبان العضوي الأساسي  يستخدم زيت المساج لمساج الوجه باستخدام اليد او باستخدام  حجر الغواشا لشد الوجه وحمايته من التجاعيد

لبان حوجري عماني علاجي 100 غرام

لبان حوجري عماني علاجي 100 غرام - يوضع كمية مناسبة في كوب ماءً من الليل وشربه صباحًا  ويمكن عمل تونر للوجه للصفاء ونضارة البشرة  ✅لبان حوجري  علاجي ✅معتمد من الجهات الحكومية العمانية  ✅لبان عماني درجة أولى  ✅نقي ١٠٠٪ 
 ✅تقليل التهابات الجسم  ✅يقوي المناعة  ✅ يحسن صحة الجلد والبشرة  ✅ يحسن الجهاز الهضمي  ✅ تعزيز قدرة الأمعاء على امتصاص العناصر الغذائية  ✅تقليل أعراض قرحة المعدة  ✅ خيار مثالي لالتهابات الصدر والتقليل من نوبات الربو

يوضع كمية مناسبة في كوب ماءً من الليل وشربه صباحًا  ويمكن عمل تونر للوجه للصفاء ونضارة البشرة  ✅لبان حوجري  علاجي ✅معتمد من الجهات الحكومية العمانية  ✅لبان عماني درجة أولى  ✅نقي ١٠٠٪ ✅تقليل التهابات الجسم  ✅يقوي المناعة  ✅ يحسن صحة الجلد والبشرة  ✅ يحسن الجهاز الهضمي  ✅ تعزيز قدرة الأمعاء على امتصاص العناصر الغذائية  ✅تقليل أعراض قرحة المعدة  ✅ خيار مثالي لالتهابات الصدر والتقليل من نوبات الربو

لبان حوجري عماني علاجي 100 غرام - يوضع كمية مناسبة في كوب ماءً من الليل وشربه صباحًا  ويمكن عمل تونر للوجه للصفاء ونضارة البشرة  ✅لبان حوجري  علاجي ✅معتمد من الجهات الحكومية العمانية  ✅لبان عماني درجة أولى  ✅نقي ١٠٠٪ ✅تقليل التهابات الجسم  ✅يقوي المناعة  ✅ يحسن صحة الجلد والبشرة  ✅ يحسن الجهاز الهضمي  ✅ تعزيز قدرة الأمعاء على امتصاص العناصر الغذائية  ✅تقليل أعراض قرحة المعدة  ✅ خيار مثالي لالتهابات الصدر والتقليل من نوبات الربو

سائل استحمام عضوي باللبان 500 ml

سائل استحمام عضوي باللبان 500 mlسائل استحمام عضوي باللبان 500 ml

زيت السعد النقي الأصلي ( بلد المنشأ : الهند )

زيت السعد النقي الأصلي ( بلد المنشأ : الهند ) - لا يصلح للحامل والمرضعه 
 طريقة الاستخدام  
 يوضع مرتين في اليوم على المناطق المراد تقليل ظهور الشعر فيها لمدة ٦ شهور

لا يصلح للحامل والمرضعه طريقة الاستخدام  يوضع مرتين في اليوم على المناطق المراد تقليل ظهور الشعر فيها لمدة ٦ شهور

زيت السعد النقي الأصلي ( بلد المنشأ : الهند ) - لا يصلح للحامل والمرضعه طريقة الاستخدام  يوضع مرتين في اليوم على المناطق المراد تقليل ظهور الشعر فيها لمدة ٦ شهور

كحل إثمد ومكحلة نحاسية+ شحم بقري مجانًا

كحل إثمد  ومكحلة نحاسية+ شحم بقري مجانًاكحل إثمد ومكحلة نحاسية+ شحم بقري مجانًا

Natural Deodorant

Natural Deodorant - 100% Natural Deodorant Aluminum Free 50g
A natural deodorant that does not hinder the natural sweating process, free of aluminum, alum and propylene glycol, contains therapeutic essential oils, contains pure clay to absorb sweat, contains natural arrowroot powder, and tea tree essential oil ✅ Made with love from the medicine for you ☘️🍃☘️

100% Natural Deodorant Aluminum Free 50g A natural deodorant that does not hinder the natural sweating process, free of aluminum, alum and propylene glycol, contains therapeutic essential oils, contains pure clay to absorb sweat, contains natural arrowroot powder, and tea tree essential oil ✅ Made with love from the medicine for you ☘️🍃☘️

Natural Deodorant - 100% Natural Deodorant Aluminum Free 50g A natural deodorant that does not hinder the natural sweating process, free of aluminum, alum and propylene glycol, contains therapeutic essential oils, contains pure clay to absorb sweat, contains natural arrowroot powder, and tea tree essential oil ✅ Made with love from the medicine for you ☘️🍃☘️

Organic Beef Tallow Hair Mask 800g

Organic Beef Tallow Hair Mask 800g - Hair mask made of beef tallow and natural protein is beneficial for hair shine and repair, suitable for children, adults, pregnant women, men and women, do not apply to the roots because it contains protein 
 Made with love from nature for you

Hair mask made of beef tallow and natural protein is beneficial for hair shine and repair, suitable for children, adults, pregnant women, men and women, do not apply to the roots because it contains protein Made with love from nature for you

Organic Beef Tallow Hair Mask 800g - Hair mask made of beef tallow and natural protein is beneficial for hair shine and repair, suitable for children, adults, pregnant women, men and women, do not apply to the roots because it contains protein Made with love from nature for you

Hand cream and natural sun protection 2 in 1

Hand cream and natural sun protection 2 in 1 - Hand cream contains almond oil, avocado oil, berry extract, natural vitamin E 100 ml The active ingredient in zinc oxide is non-nano ✅The product is free of titanium oxide ✅The product is free of oxybenzone ✅Free of antibiotics The product is made with love from nature for you🍃

Hand cream contains almond oil, avocado oil, berry extract, natural vitamin E 100 ml The active ingredient in zinc oxide is non-nano ✅The product is free of titanium oxide ✅The product is free of oxybenzone ✅Free of antibiotics The product is made with love from nature for you🍃

Hand cream and natural sun protection 2 in 1 - Hand cream contains almond oil, avocado oil, berry extract, natural vitamin E 100 ml The active ingredient in zinc oxide is non-nano ✅The product is free of titanium oxide ✅The product is free of oxybenzone ✅Free of antibiotics The product is made with love from nature for you🍃

Double lightening cream with niacinamide 50ml (not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women)

Double lightening cream with niacinamide 50ml (not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women) - Double lightening cream with niacinamide, sulfur, magnesium, frankincense water, oat extract, vitamin E, and licorice extract 
 ✅Treatment of pigmentation 
 ✅Nourishment for the skin 
 ✅Free of cortisone 
 ✅Free of harmful perfumes and essential oils 
 ✅Contains organic sandalwood essential oil 
 Mix with 3 drops of vitamin serum and gently massage on the face and neck area 
 Made with love from nature for you🍃🕊

Double lightening cream with niacinamide, sulfur, magnesium, frankincense water, oat extract, vitamin E, and licorice extract ✅Lightening ✅Treatment of pigmentation ✅Nourishment for the skin ✅Freshness ✅Free of cortisone ✅Free of harmful perfumes and essential oils ✅Contains organic sandalwood essential oil Mix with 3 drops of vitamin serum and gently massage on the face and neck area Made with love from nature for you🍃🕊

Double lightening cream with niacinamide 50ml (not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women) - Double lightening cream with niacinamide, sulfur, magnesium, frankincense water, oat extract, vitamin E, and licorice extract ✅Lightening ✅Treatment of pigmentation ✅Nourishment for the skin ✅Freshness ✅Free of cortisone ✅Free of harmful perfumes and essential oils ✅Contains organic sandalwood essential oil Mix with 3 drops of vitamin serum and gently massage on the face and neck area Made with love from nature for you🍃🕊

Face cream with magnesium for freshness and lightening extracts and vitamins (safe for pregnant and

Face cream with magnesium for freshness and lightening extracts and vitamins (safe for pregnant and - A special nourishing cream for stressed skin, containing tamanu and magnesium oil, organic geranium oil, in addition to nourishing vitamins, mixed with 3 to 4 drops of concentrated serum in the evening, and used alone during the day. 
 ✅Treatment of effects 
 Made with love from nature for you🍃🕊

A special nourishing cream for stressed skin, containing tamanu and magnesium oil, organic geranium oil, in addition to nourishing vitamins, mixed with 3 to 4 drops of concentrated serum in the evening, and used alone during the day. ✅Lightening ✅Nourishment ✅Freshness ✅Treatment of effects Made with love from nature for you🍃🕊

Face cream with magnesium for freshness and lightening extracts and vitamins (safe for pregnant and - A special nourishing cream for stressed skin, containing tamanu and magnesium oil, organic geranium oil, in addition to nourishing vitamins, mixed with 3 to 4 drops of concentrated serum in the evening, and used alone during the day. ✅Lightening ✅Nourishment ✅Freshness ✅Treatment of effects Made with love from nature for you🍃🕊

Organic Frankincense Facial Wash 250 ml

Organic Frankincense Facial Wash 250 ml - Organic Frankincense Face Wash contains organic aloe vera juice, frankincense essential oil and natural fruit extracts.

Organic Frankincense Face Wash contains organic aloe vera juice, frankincense essential oil and natural fruit extracts. 🍃🍃🍃🍃

Organic Frankincense Facial Wash 250 ml - Organic Frankincense Face Wash contains organic aloe vera juice, frankincense essential oil and natural fruit extracts. 🍃🍃🍃🍃

100% Natural Face Sunscreen Cream

100% Natural Face Sunscreen Cream - Natural sunscreen for the face 50 ml Made of frankincense essential oil, pomegranate oil and meadowfoam seed oil with added red berry extract and olive leaf extract The product does not reflect the sun's rays, the sun's rays reach the skin naturally, the product protects the skin from pigmentation ✅Free of titanium oxide ✅Free of oxybenzone ✅Free of antibiotics ✅The active ingredient is zinc oxide non_nano ✅Free of perfumes and aromatic oils ✅100% natural product Made with love from nature for you🍃

Natural sunscreen for the face 50 ml Made of frankincense essential oil, pomegranate oil and meadowfoam seed oil with added red berry extract and olive leaf extract The product does not reflect the sun's rays, the sun's rays reach the skin naturally, the product protects the skin from pigmentation ✅Free of titanium oxide ✅Free of oxybenzone ✅Free of antibiotics ✅The active ingredient is zinc oxide non_nano ✅Free of perfumes and aromatic oils ✅100% natural product Made with love from nature for you🍃

100% Natural Face Sunscreen Cream - Natural sunscreen for the face 50 ml Made of frankincense essential oil, pomegranate oil and meadowfoam seed oil with added red berry extract and olive leaf extract The product does not reflect the sun's rays, the sun's rays reach the skin naturally, the product protects the skin from pigmentation ✅Free of titanium oxide ✅Free of oxybenzone ✅Free of antibiotics ✅The active ingredient is zinc oxide non_nano ✅Free of perfumes and aromatic oils ✅100% natural product Made with love from nature for you🍃

صابونية اللبان الطبيعي للجسم 500 غرام

صابونية اللبان الطبيعي للجسم 500 غرام - صابونية اللبان مصنوعة من  ماء اللبان النقي وزيت جوز الهند وزيت الخروع الخالي من الهاكسين بالإضافة إلى زيت اللبان الأساسي النقي  
 تنظف الجسم برغوة طبيعية خالية من معززات الرغوة الصناعية  
 استمتعوا باللبان الطبيعي وفوا ئده بتجديد البشرة وتنظيفها

صابونية اللبان مصنوعة من  ماء اللبان النقي وزيت جوز الهند وزيت الخروع الخالي من الهاكسين بالإضافة إلى زيت اللبان الأساسي النقي  تنظف الجسم برغوة طبيعية خالية من معززات الرغوة الصناعية  استمتعوا باللبان الطبيعي وفوا ئده بتجديد البشرة وتنظيفها

صابونية اللبان الطبيعي للجسم 500 غرام - صابونية اللبان مصنوعة من  ماء اللبان النقي وزيت جوز الهند وزيت الخروع الخالي من الهاكسين بالإضافة إلى زيت اللبان الأساسي النقي  تنظف الجسم برغوة طبيعية خالية من معززات الرغوة الصناعية  استمتعوا باللبان الطبيعي وفوا ئده بتجديد البشرة وتنظيفها

Natural makeup remover with castor and calendula 300 ml

Natural makeup remover with castor and calendula 300 ml - Natural Makeup Remover Contains: 
 Pure Almond Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Organic Hexane-Free Castor Oil, Natural Vitamin E, Organic Orange Essential Oil Not just a makeup remover, it's  ✅Nourishing.  ✅Moisturizing.  ✅Anti-dryness

Natural Makeup Remover Contains: Pure Almond Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Organic Hexane-Free Castor Oil, Natural Vitamin E, Organic Orange Essential Oil Not just a makeup remover, it's ✅Nourishing. ✅Moisturizing. ✅Anti-dryness

Natural makeup remover with castor and calendula 300 ml - Natural Makeup Remover Contains: Pure Almond Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Organic Hexane-Free Castor Oil, Natural Vitamin E, Organic Orange Essential Oil Not just a makeup remover, it's ✅Nourishing. ✅Moisturizing. ✅Anti-dryness

Fruit Acids Toner 300ml

Fruit Acids Toner 300ml - Fruit Acid Toner ✅Alcohol Free ✅Free of perfumes and essential oils ✅Free of propylene glycol ✅Contains alpha hydroxy acids from berries, oranges, lemons, sugar cane, sugar maple 📍Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women 📍Put an appropriate amount of toner on a piece of cotton, then wipe the face and neck or any place where toner can be placed, then apply daily care products 📍If the skin is very sensitive, wash the face with water after toner, then apply care products 📍Expiration Date Expiration Date One year from receipt

Fruit Acid Toner ✅Alcohol Free ✅Free of perfumes and essential oils ✅Free of propylene glycol ✅Contains alpha hydroxy acids from berries, oranges, lemons, sugar cane, sugar maple 📍Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women 📍Put an appropriate amount of toner on a piece of cotton, then wipe the face and neck or any place where toner can be placed, then apply daily care products 📍If the skin is very sensitive, wash the face with water after toner, then apply care products 📍Expiration Date Expiration Date One year from receipt

Fruit Acids Toner 300ml - Fruit Acid Toner ✅Alcohol Free ✅Free of perfumes and essential oils ✅Free of propylene glycol ✅Contains alpha hydroxy acids from berries, oranges, lemons, sugar cane, sugar maple 📍Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women 📍Put an appropriate amount of toner on a piece of cotton, then wipe the face and neck or any place where toner can be placed, then apply daily care products 📍If the skin is very sensitive, wash the face with water after toner, then apply care products 📍Expiration Date Expiration Date One year from receipt

Pure Castor Oil 250ml

Pure Castor Oil 250ml - Pure Hexane Free Castor Oil ✅Cold Pressed ✅Nutrient Rich ✅Vegan ✅Dandruff Treatment ✅Reduces Stretch Marks ✅Castor compresses can be used for muscle pain, muscle tension and menstrual pain

Pure Hexane Free Castor Oil ✅Cold Pressed ✅Nutrient Rich ✅Vegan ✅Dandruff Treatment ✅Reduces Stretch Marks ✅Castor compresses can be used for muscle pain, muscle tension and menstrual pain

Pure Castor Oil 250ml - Pure Hexane Free Castor Oil ✅Cold Pressed ✅Nutrient Rich ✅Vegan ✅Dandruff Treatment ✅Reduces Stretch Marks ✅Castor compresses can be used for muscle pain, muscle tension and menstrual pain

Ultra-Moisturizing Hand Cream with Argan Oil

Ultra-Moisturizing Hand Cream with Argan Oil - Highly Moisturizing Hand Cream with Argan Oil 
 Capacity 200ml

Highly Moisturizing Hand Cream with Argan Oil Capacity 200ml

Ultra-Moisturizing Hand Cream with Argan Oil - Highly Moisturizing Hand Cream with Argan Oil Capacity 200ml


EYE CREAM - Eye contour treatment cream contains organic oils and butters suitable for the delicate area around the eyes, in addition to organic aloe vera juice, coffee bean extract, green tea extract, organic cucumber extract, and natural small-molecule hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, 
 ✅Deep nourishment for the area around the eyes 
 ✅Reducing and preventing wrinkles in the area 
 Please massage the eye area upwards when applying it✅

Eye contour treatment cream contains organic oils and butters suitable for the delicate area around the eyes, in addition to organic aloe vera juice, coffee bean extract, green tea extract, organic cucumber extract, and natural small-molecule hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, ✅Deep nourishment for the area around the eyes ✅Reducing and preventing wrinkles in the area Please massage the eye area upwards when applying it✅

EYE CREAM - Eye contour treatment cream contains organic oils and butters suitable for the delicate area around the eyes, in addition to organic aloe vera juice, coffee bean extract, green tea extract, organic cucumber extract, and natural small-molecule hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, ✅Deep nourishment for the area around the eyes ✅Reducing and preventing wrinkles in the area Please massage the eye area upwards when applying it✅

سنفرة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي للجسم 500 غرام

سنفرة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي للجسم 500 غرام - سنفرة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي للجسم  
 صنعت من شمع النحل الخام ومطحون الشوفان و خلاصة اللبان وزيت اللبان الأساسي النقي ، قشور الجوز ، زيت الزيتون ، زيت جوز الهند النقي وزيت اللوز  
 سنفرة ترطب بعمق ومليئة بشمع النحل المرمم للجلد 
 500 grams

سنفرة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي للجسم  صنعت من شمع النحل الخام ومطحون الشوفان و خلاصة اللبان وزيت اللبان الأساسي النقي ، قشور الجوز ، زيت الزيتون ، زيت جوز الهند النقي وزيت اللوز  سنفرة ترطب بعمق ومليئة بشمع النحل المرمم للجلد 500 grams

سنفرة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي للجسم 500 غرام - سنفرة اللبان والشوفان الطبيعي للجسم  صنعت من شمع النحل الخام ومطحون الشوفان و خلاصة اللبان وزيت اللبان الأساسي النقي ، قشور الجوز ، زيت الزيتون ، زيت جوز الهند النقي وزيت اللوز  سنفرة ترطب بعمق ومليئة بشمع النحل المرمم للجلد 500 grams

Face Scrub with Flowers and Berries - 160g

Face Scrub with Flowers and Berries - 160g - Natural facial scrub used 3 to 4 times a week, contains the finest walnut shells, natural jojoba seeds, vitamins, ground rose hip flowers, English kaolin clay, green clay, 
 ✅Removes deposits stuck in the skin  ✅Activates blood circulation to the face with a light upward massage, light exfoliation of the facial skin to give freshness and vitality

Natural facial scrub used 3 to 4 times a week, contains the finest walnut shells, natural jojoba seeds, vitamins, ground rose hip flowers, English kaolin clay, green clay, ✅Removes deposits stuck in the skin ✅Activates blood circulation to the face with a light upward massage, light exfoliation of the facial skin to give freshness and vitality

Face Scrub with Flowers and Berries - 160g - Natural facial scrub used 3 to 4 times a week, contains the finest walnut shells, natural jojoba seeds, vitamins, ground rose hip flowers, English kaolin clay, green clay, ✅Removes deposits stuck in the skin ✅Activates blood circulation to the face with a light upward massage, light exfoliation of the facial skin to give freshness and vitality


FACE SERUM - Natural concentrated vitamin serum for the face. It is not applied directly to the skin, but rather one drop is applied with the face cream. 
 ✅Therapeutic ✅Freshness ✅Nourishment for the skin ✅Lightening

Natural concentrated vitamin serum for the face. It is not applied directly to the skin, but rather one drop is applied with the face cream. ✅Therapeutic ✅Freshness ✅Nourishment for the skin ✅Lightening

FACE SERUM - Natural concentrated vitamin serum for the face. It is not applied directly to the skin, but rather one drop is applied with the face cream. ✅Therapeutic ✅Freshness ✅Nourishment for the skin ✅Lightening

Daily Organic Natural Mascara Made with Organic Castor Oil, Lead-Free, and Heavy Metal-Free

Daily Organic Natural Mascara Made with Organic Castor Oil, Lead-Free, and Heavy Metal-Free - Contains pea extract

Contains pea extract

Daily Organic Natural Mascara Made with Organic Castor Oil, Lead-Free, and Heavy Metal-Free - Contains pea extract

500ml Organic Hair Conditioner with Cedarwood Oil

500ml Organic Hair Conditioner with Cedarwood Oil - Natural Organic Conditioner ✅Suitable for adults, pregnant women and children from 6 months ✅Sulfate-free ✅Fragrance-free and essential oil-free ✅Propylene Glycol-free ✅Paraben-free and formaldehyde-free ✅Suitable for all hair types ✅Artificial Color-free ✅SLS-free ✅Certified Organic Ingredients ✅Contains Organic Aloe Vera Juice for Hair Treatment

Natural Organic Conditioner ✅Suitable for adults, pregnant women and children from 6 months ✅Sulfate-free ✅Fragrance-free and essential oil-free ✅Propylene Glycol-free ✅Paraben-free and formaldehyde-free ✅Suitable for all hair types ✅Artificial Color-free ✅SLS-free ✅Certified Organic Ingredients ✅Contains Organic Aloe Vera Juice for Hair Treatment

500ml Organic Hair Conditioner with Cedarwood Oil - Natural Organic Conditioner ✅Suitable for adults, pregnant women and children from 6 months ✅Sulfate-free ✅Fragrance-free and essential oil-free ✅Propylene Glycol-free ✅Paraben-free and formaldehyde-free ✅Suitable for all hair types ✅Artificial Color-free ✅SLS-free ✅Certified Organic Ingredients ✅Contains Organic Aloe Vera Juice for Hair Treatment

Organic Eyelash Growth Serum

Organic Eyelash Growth Serum - Organic Eyelash Growth Serum with Peptides, Pea Extract and Organic Castor Oil 
 ✅100% Natural Organic 
 ✅Nourishes Eyelashes 
 ✅Gives Volume with Continuity

Organic Eyelash Growth Serum with Peptides, Pea Extract and Organic Castor Oil ✅100% Natural Organic ✅Nourishes Eyelashes ✅Gives Volume with Continuity

Organic Eyelash Growth Serum - Organic Eyelash Growth Serum with Peptides, Pea Extract and Organic Castor Oil ✅100% Natural Organic ✅Nourishes Eyelashes ✅Gives Volume with Continuity

Vitamis Therapy Body Oil

Vitamis Therapy Body Oil - Suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women, it renews skin cells, fills in fine lines and gives them fullness and vitality, for best results, it is applied with a body cream after showering.

Suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women, it renews skin cells, fills in fine lines and gives them fullness and vitality, for best results, it is applied with a body cream after showering.

Vitamis Therapy Body Oil - Suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women, it renews skin cells, fills in fine lines and gives them fullness and vitality, for best results, it is applied with a body cream after showering.

Vitamin C Scrub

Vitamin C Scrub - Scrub made with pure rose water, natural oils and raw butters, natural jojoba seeds, kaolin clay and French clay, it is considered a 2 in 1 mask and scrub.

Scrub made with pure rose water, natural oils and raw butters, natural jojoba seeds, kaolin clay and French clay, it is considered a 2 in 1 mask and scrub.

Vitamin C Scrub - Scrub made with pure rose water, natural oils and raw butters, natural jojoba seeds, kaolin clay and French clay, it is considered a 2 in 1 mask and scrub.

Indian Olive Oil

Indian Olive Oil - Indian hair oil contains 100% pure, cold-pressed natural oils, in addition to important herbal extracts that stimulate the scalp, in addition to vitamins that work to give hair luster and vitality and treat damaged hair. It is used for both dyed and non-dyed hair. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women and children from two years old

Indian hair oil contains 100% pure, cold-pressed natural oils, in addition to important herbal extracts that stimulate the scalp, in addition to vitamins that work to give hair luster and vitality and treat damaged hair. It is used for both dyed and non-dyed hair. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women and children from two years old

Indian Olive Oil - Indian hair oil contains 100% pure, cold-pressed natural oils, in addition to important herbal extracts that stimulate the scalp, in addition to vitamins that work to give hair luster and vitality and treat damaged hair. It is used for both dyed and non-dyed hair. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women and children from two years old

Hair Sidr with Idian Herbs ( Powder )

Hair Sidr with Idian Herbs ( Powder ) - Ingredients:

100% natural original Sidr, Indian herbs to sprout and stop hair loss, such as Shikakai, Amla, Horsetail, Rosemary, Bhringraj, in addition to a special vitamin box that works to rejuvenate hair follicles that are placed with Sidr during kneading.

Ingredients: 100% natural original Sidr, Indian herbs to sprout and stop hair loss, such as Shikakai, Amla, Horsetail, Rosemary, Bhringraj, in addition to a special vitamin box that works to rejuvenate hair follicles that are placed with Sidr during kneading.

Hair Sidr with Idian Herbs ( Powder ) - Ingredients: 100% natural original Sidr, Indian herbs to sprout and stop hair loss, such as Shikakai, Amla, Horsetail, Rosemary, Bhringraj, in addition to a special vitamin box that works to rejuvenate hair follicles that are placed with Sidr during kneading.

Hair Henna with Indian Herbs ( Powder )

Hair Henna with Indian Herbs ( Powder ) - Ingredients:

100% natural henna, Indian herbs for sprouting and stopping hair loss, such as Shikakai, Amla, Horsetail, Rosemary and Bhringraj, which works to regenerate damaged hair follicles, in addition to a special vitamin box for hair renewal and treatment that is placed with henna during kneading. Please follow the instructions and adhere to the attached schedule.

Ingredients: 100% natural henna, Indian herbs for sprouting and stopping hair loss, such as Shikakai, Amla, Horsetail, Rosemary and Bhringraj, which works to regenerate damaged hair follicles, in addition to a special vitamin box for hair renewal and treatment that is placed with henna during kneading. Please follow the instructions and adhere to the attached schedule.

Hair Henna with Indian Herbs ( Powder ) - Ingredients: 100% natural henna, Indian herbs for sprouting and stopping hair loss, such as Shikakai, Amla, Horsetail, Rosemary and Bhringraj, which works to regenerate damaged hair follicles, in addition to a special vitamin box for hair renewal and treatment that is placed with henna during kneading. Please follow the instructions and adhere to the attached schedule.

Therapeutic Cream

Therapeutic Cream - Therapeutic and itching relief ointment… Made from the finest butters, organic black seed oil, calendula extract, and chamomile extract… Excellent for eczema, psoriasis, and very dry areas.

Therapeutic and itching relief ointment… Made from the finest butters, organic black seed oil, calendula extract, and chamomile extract… Excellent for eczema, psoriasis, and very dry areas.

Therapeutic Cream - Therapeutic and itching relief ointment… Made from the finest butters, organic black seed oil, calendula extract, and chamomile extract… Excellent for eczema, psoriasis, and very dry areas.

Cow Fat Ointment 200g

Cow Fat Ointment 200g - Benefits of cow fat ointment from grass-fed cows for the skin: 1/ The ointment contains 50% pure cow fat, which has a composition similar to the chemical composition of human skin and similar to the oil secreted by human skin. 2/ It is an effective means of reducing wrinkles and fine lines. 3/ It contains vitamins A, E, D, and K. 4/ It does not cause oxidation and treats skin infections. 5/ It contains linoleic acid, which maintains skin moisture. 6/ It gives the skin a smooth, shiny and healthy appearance. 7/ It contains many nutrients that help get rid of spots and pigmentation. 8/ It contains saturated fats for deep nourishment of the skin. 9/ It is rich in Omega 3, in addition to effective antioxidants for the skin. 10/ Effective for all skin problems ✅ 100% natural organic product ✅ Free of perfumes and essential oils ✅ Rich in Omega 3 ✅ Contains Manuka essential oil ✅ Effective for wrinkles and fine lines in the skin ✅ Made with love, study, and research in nature for you Best regards Noor

Benefits of cow fat ointment from grass-fed cows for the skin: 1/ The ointment contains 50% pure cow fat, which has a composition similar to the chemical composition of human skin and similar to the oil secreted by human skin. 2/ It is an effective means of reducing wrinkles and fine lines. 3/ It contains vitamins A, E, D, and K. 4/ It does not cause oxidation and treats skin infections. 5/ It contains linoleic acid, which maintains skin moisture. 6/ It gives the skin a smooth, shiny and healthy appearance. 7/ It contains many nutrients that help get rid of spots and pigmentation. 8/ It contains saturated fats for deep nourishment of the skin. 9/ It is rich in Omega 3, in addition to effective antioxidants for the skin. 10/ Effective for all skin problems ✅ 100% natural organic product ✅ Free of perfumes and essential oils ✅ Rich in Omega 3 ✅ Contains Manuka essential oil ✅ Effective for wrinkles and fine lines in the skin ✅ Made with love, study, and research in nature for you Best regards Noor

Cow Fat Ointment 200g - Benefits of cow fat ointment from grass-fed cows for the skin: 1/ The ointment contains 50% pure cow fat, which has a composition similar to the chemical composition of human skin and similar to the oil secreted by human skin. 2/ It is an effective means of reducing wrinkles and fine lines. 3/ It contains vitamins A, E, D, and K. 4/ It does not cause oxidation and treats skin infections. 5/ It contains linoleic acid, which maintains skin moisture. 6/ It gives the skin a smooth, shiny and healthy appearance. 7/ It contains many nutrients that help get rid of spots and pigmentation. 8/ It contains saturated fats for deep nourishment of the skin. 9/ It is rich in Omega 3, in addition to effective antioxidants for the skin. 10/ Effective for all skin problems ✅ 100% natural organic product ✅ Free of perfumes and essential oils ✅ Rich in Omega 3 ✅ Contains Manuka essential oil ✅ Effective for wrinkles and fine lines in the skin ✅ Made with love, study, and research in nature for you Best regards Noor

Natural Hair Protein Cream

Natural Hair Protein Cream - Natural hair protein cream applied to hair after showering and applied to wet hair, made of organic bamboo water, seaweed keratin and organic rice protein, special therapeutic butters for hair, honey and propolis special for hair, vitamins in their natural formula, nourishes and straightens hair naturally, and gives it shine and vitality

Natural hair protein cream applied to hair after showering and applied to wet hair, made of organic bamboo water, seaweed keratin and organic rice protein, special therapeutic butters for hair, honey and propolis special for hair, vitamins in their natural formula, nourishes and straightens hair naturally, and gives it shine and vitality

Natural Hair Protein Cream - Natural hair protein cream applied to hair after showering and applied to wet hair, made of organic bamboo water, seaweed keratin and organic rice protein, special therapeutic butters for hair, honey and propolis special for hair, vitamins in their natural formula, nourishes and straightens hair naturally, and gives it shine and vitality

Coffee Scrub

Coffee Scrub - The coffee scrub contains walnut shells, jojoba seeds, guarana herbs that help in repairing and tightening the skin, raw beeswax, natural oils and butters, and vitamins, in addition to 3 types of coffee.

The coffee scrub contains walnut shells, jojoba seeds, guarana herbs that help in repairing and tightening the skin, raw beeswax, natural oils and butters, and vitamins, in addition to 3 types of coffee.

Coffee Scrub - The coffee scrub contains walnut shells, jojoba seeds, guarana herbs that help in repairing and tightening the skin, raw beeswax, natural oils and butters, and vitamins, in addition to 3 types of coffee.

Epsom Salt Magnesium 1 kg

Epsom Salt Magnesium 1 kg - Magnesium salts for relaxation, insomnia and muscle tension
1 kg

Magnesium salts for relaxation, insomnia and muscle tension 1 kg

Epsom Salt Magnesium 1 kg - Magnesium salts for relaxation, insomnia and muscle tension 1 kg

Moroccan Soap with Lemon

Moroccan Soap with Lemon - It works to remove dead skin, contains lightening herbs, natural olive leaf powder and flower powder, in addition to organic lemon essential oil to lighten the skin and give it freshness.

It works to remove dead skin, contains lightening herbs, natural olive leaf powder and flower powder, in addition to organic lemon essential oil to lighten the skin and give it freshness.

Moroccan Soap with Lemon - It works to remove dead skin, contains lightening herbs, natural olive leaf powder and flower powder, in addition to organic lemon essential oil to lighten the skin and give it freshness.

Extra Lightening Cream with Alpha Arbutin

Extra Lightening Cream with Alpha Arbutin - Which is the highest lightening substance that works to nourish the skin and treat surface effects

Which is the highest lightening substance that works to nourish the skin and treat surface effects

Extra Lightening Cream with Alpha Arbutin - Which is the highest lightening substance that works to nourish the skin and treat surface effects

Nour Cream for Whitening with Herbal Extracts and Vitamins

Nour Cream for Whitening with Herbal Extracts and Vitamins - Safe for pregnant and lactating women and children, works to lighten and nourish the skin, treat surface effects, supply the body with the necessary vitamins and prevent it from cracking

Safe for pregnant and lactating women and children, works to lighten and nourish the skin, treat surface effects, supply the body with the necessary vitamins and prevent it from cracking

Nour Cream for Whitening with Herbal Extracts and Vitamins - Safe for pregnant and lactating women and children, works to lighten and nourish the skin, treat surface effects, supply the body with the necessary vitamins and prevent it from cracking

Saffron Scrub

Saffron Scrub - It contains walnut shells, jojoba seeds, rosehip powder, raw beeswax, natural oils and butters, vitamins, in addition to saffron and vitamins.

It contains walnut shells, jojoba seeds, rosehip powder, raw beeswax, natural oils and butters, vitamins, in addition to saffron and vitamins.

Saffron Scrub - It contains walnut shells, jojoba seeds, rosehip powder, raw beeswax, natural oils and butters, vitamins, in addition to saffron and vitamins.

Green Tea Scrub

Green Tea Scrub - Contains walnut shells, jojoba seeds, matcha, moringa oil, raw beeswax, natural oils and butters and vitamins

Contains walnut shells, jojoba seeds, matcha, moringa oil, raw beeswax, natural oils and butters and vitamins

Green Tea Scrub - Contains walnut shells, jojoba seeds, matcha, moringa oil, raw beeswax, natural oils and butters and vitamins

Saffron Soap

Saffron Soap - It consists of oat milk, pureed natural fruits, herbal extracts, butters, oils, saffron extract and turmeric extract.

It consists of oat milk, pureed natural fruits, herbal extracts, butters, oils, saffron extract and turmeric extract.

Saffron Soap - It consists of oat milk, pureed natural fruits, herbal extracts, butters, oils, saffron extract and turmeric extract.

Green Tea Soap

Green Tea Soap - It consists of oat milk, natural fruit puree, herbal extracts, natural butters and oils, in addition to matcha and green tea.

It consists of oat milk, natural fruit puree, herbal extracts, natural butters and oils, in addition to matcha and green tea.

Green Tea Soap - It consists of oat milk, natural fruit puree, herbal extracts, natural butters and oils, in addition to matcha and green tea.

Coffee Soap

Coffee Soap - It consists of oat milk, pureed natural fruits, herbal extracts, butters, oils and caffeine extract

It consists of oat milk, pureed natural fruits, herbal extracts, butters, oils and caffeine extract

Coffee Soap - It consists of oat milk, pureed natural fruits, herbal extracts, butters, oils and caffeine extract

Therapeutic Lightening Cream for Sensitive Areas 200 ml

Therapeutic Lightening Cream for Sensitive Areas 200 ml - Cream for lightening and treating sensitive areas, contains special lightening powder, therapeutic butters, and vitamins. It works to lighten sensitive areas and improve skin texture. It is applied once daily after showering.

Cream for lightening and treating sensitive areas, contains special lightening powder, therapeutic butters, and vitamins. It works to lighten sensitive areas and improve skin texture. It is applied once daily after showering.

Therapeutic Lightening Cream for Sensitive Areas 200 ml - Cream for lightening and treating sensitive areas, contains special lightening powder, therapeutic butters, and vitamins. It works to lighten sensitive areas and improve skin texture. It is applied once daily after showering.

Herbal Dye for Hair Coloring and Gray hair Dyeing

Herbal Dye for Hair Coloring and Gray hair Dyeing - The vegetable dye consists of natural walnut shells to dye hair brown and dye gray hair naturally. Take 5 to 6 tablespoons and boil them in water for 30 minutes, then knead them with henna to dye gray hair and give the hair a brown color. 
 500 ml

The vegetable dye consists of natural walnut shells to dye hair brown and dye gray hair naturally. Take 5 to 6 tablespoons and boil them in water for 30 minutes, then knead them with henna to dye gray hair and give the hair a brown color. 500 ml

Herbal Dye for Hair Coloring and Gray hair Dyeing - The vegetable dye consists of natural walnut shells to dye hair brown and dye gray hair naturally. Take 5 to 6 tablespoons and boil them in water for 30 minutes, then knead them with henna to dye gray hair and give the hair a brown color. 500 ml

Natural Lip Balm

Natural Lip Balm - Natural lip balmIt treats the lips and gives them a slight fullness because it contains organic cinnamon essential oil.

Natural lip balmIt treats the lips and gives them a slight fullness because it contains organic cinnamon essential oil.

Natural Lip Balm - Natural lip balmIt treats the lips and gives them a slight fullness because it contains organic cinnamon essential oil.

Natural lip scrub

Natural lip scrub - Natural lip scrub,  contains butters and vitamins that remove dead skin and treat lips.

Natural lip scrub, contains butters and vitamins that remove dead skin and treat lips.

Natural lip scrub - Natural lip scrub, contains butters and vitamins that remove dead skin and treat lips.

Body Vitamin C Cream

Body Vitamin C Cream - Vitamin C cream specially for winter body care set contains rose water as a basic base, contains kokum butter and pakuri butter which contain several important vitamins to nourish the skin, contains a high concentration of vitamin C in its natural formula such as camu camu extract, rosehip and amla, works to moisturize, nourish and lighten the skin with continued use, contains therapeutic essential oil and not perfumes

Vitamin C cream specially for winter body care set contains rose water as a basic base, contains kokum butter and pakuri butter which contain several important vitamins to nourish the skin, contains a high concentration of vitamin C in its natural formula such as camu camu extract, rosehip and amla, works to moisturize, nourish and lighten the skin with continued use, contains therapeutic essential oil and not perfumes

Body Vitamin C Cream - Vitamin C cream specially for winter body care set contains rose water as a basic base, contains kokum butter and pakuri butter which contain several important vitamins to nourish the skin, contains a high concentration of vitamin C in its natural formula such as camu camu extract, rosehip and amla, works to moisturize, nourish and lighten the skin with continued use, contains therapeutic essential oil and not perfumes

Natural Protein and Fruit Hair Mask

Natural Protein and Fruit Hair Mask - Hair mask made of clary sage water (sage flower water), contains natural fruit extracts, contains natural organic protein and seaweed keratin, nourishes hair and treats split ends, straightens hair naturally, enough for 3 months or more

Hair mask made of clary sage water (sage flower water), contains natural fruit extracts, contains natural organic protein and seaweed keratin, nourishes hair and treats split ends, straightens hair naturally, enough for 3 months or more

Natural Protein and Fruit Hair Mask - Hair mask made of clary sage water (sage flower water), contains natural fruit extracts, contains natural organic protein and seaweed keratin, nourishes hair and treats split ends, straightens hair naturally, enough for 3 months or more

Vitamin C Soap

Vitamin C Soap - Soap made from natural oils and sodium lauryl sulfate, containing high concentrations of Vitamin C in its natural form from Camu Camu, Amla and Rosehip.

Soap made from natural oils and sodium lauryl sulfate, containing high concentrations of Vitamin C in its natural form from Camu Camu, Amla and Rosehip.

Vitamin C Soap - Soap made from natural oils and sodium lauryl sulfate, containing high concentrations of Vitamin C in its natural form from Camu Camu, Amla and Rosehip.