Dolce Bello

Dolce Bello

choco panda

choco pandachoco panda

Bisciy malyala

Bisciy malyalaBisciy malyala

Honey cake

Honey cake - الكيكة الروسية الشهيرة والغنية بالطعم والشكل الخاص بنا المغطاة بصوص الكراميل

الكيكة الروسية الشهيرة والغنية بالطعم والشكل الخاص بنا المغطاة بصوص الكراميل

Honey cake - الكيكة الروسية الشهيرة والغنية بالطعم والشكل الخاص بنا المغطاة بصوص الكراميل

Cup Of Alzafaran Cake

Cup Of Alzafaran CakeCup Of Alzafaran Cake

trafil mix

trafil mix - chocolate pools with defrant flavor

chocolate pools with defrant flavor

trafil mix - chocolate pools with defrant flavor


majdowl - dats with nuts

dats with nuts

majdowl - dats with nuts

caramil bican

caramil bican - becuite with caramil and bican with chocolate

becuite with caramil and bican with chocolate

caramil bican - becuite with caramil and bican with chocolate

carmil nuts

carmil nutscarmil nuts

coffee sweet mix

coffee sweet mixcoffee sweet mix

snack kinder

snack kinder - whaite and brown  chocolate with bescuit

whaite and brown  chocolate with bescuit

snack kinder - whaite and brown  chocolate with bescuit

bescit bican

bescit bican - bescuit with bican and chocolate

bescuit with bican and chocolate

bescit bican - bescuit with bican and chocolate


ghoraiyba - Syrian Ghriba with different flavours

Syrian Ghriba with different flavours

ghoraiyba - Syrian Ghriba with different flavours

mix coffee sweet small

mix coffee sweet smallmix coffee sweet small

small tamriyah

small tamriyahsmall tamriyah

مكس سناك دولتش بيلو

مكس سناك دولتش بيلومكس سناك دولتش بيلو

pican dat's

pican dat'spican dat's

honey caramel

honey caramelhoney caramel

choco panda

choco pandachoco panda


jepniyah - Delicious cheese bites

Delicious cheese bites

jepniyah - Delicious cheese bites

snacks nut's

snacks nut'ssnacks nut's

Rocky road mix

Rocky road mix - 36 قطعة

36 قطعة

Rocky road mix - 36 قطعة

Mini Bid Al Naam

Mini Bid Al Naam - 36 قطعة

36 قطعة

Mini Bid Al Naam - 36 قطعة

truffles pistachio

truffles pistachio - Delicious belgian cocoa pods stuffed with pistachio

Delicious belgian cocoa pods stuffed with pistachio

truffles pistachio - Delicious belgian cocoa pods stuffed with pistachio

truffles kinder

truffles kinder - Delicious Belgian cocoa beans stuffed with kinder

Delicious Belgian cocoa beans stuffed with kinder

truffles kinder - Delicious Belgian cocoa beans stuffed with kinder

truffles nutella

truffles nutella - Delicious Belgian cocoa beans stuffed with Nutella

Delicious Belgian cocoa beans stuffed with Nutella

truffles nutella - Delicious Belgian cocoa beans stuffed with Nutella



besci maiala darsein

besci maiala darsein - biscuit with darsein and cream

biscuit with darsein and cream

besci maiala darsein - biscuit with darsein and cream

pomegranate triffle

pomegranate trifflepomegranate triffle

bisci maiala chocolat

bisci maiala chocolat - biscuit with choclate and cream

biscuit with choclate and cream

bisci maiala chocolat - biscuit with choclate and cream

conapha kinder plate

conapha kinder plate - chocolate cake with kider cream and konafa

chocolate cake with kider cream and konafa

conapha kinder plate - chocolate cake with kider cream and konafa

mix tart

mix tart - bescuit with defrant flavor

bescuit with defrant flavor

mix tart - bescuit with defrant flavor

Honey cake

Honey cakeHoney cake

biski mayala

biski mayalabiski mayala

mango traifle

mango traiflemango traifle

Saffron Cake

Saffron Cake - The british cake is rich in saffron sauce.

The british cake is rich in saffron sauce.

Saffron Cake - The british cake is rich in saffron sauce.

Cheese Lotus

Cheese Lotus - 36 Pieces

36 Pieces

Cheese Lotus - 36 Pieces

conapha kinder cup

conapha kinder cup - conapha with cake chocolate and kider cream

conapha with cake chocolate and kider cream

conapha kinder cup - conapha with cake chocolate and kider cream

conapha bestachio cup

conapha bestachio cup - conapha with chocolate cake and pestachio cream

conapha with chocolate cake and pestachio cream

conapha bestachio cup - conapha with chocolate cake and pestachio cream

Cup of Alzaeafran sweets

Cup of  Alzaeafran sweetsCup of Alzaeafran sweets

Cup Of Honey Cake

Cup Of Honey CakeCup Of Honey Cake

Cup cake mango

Cup cake mangoCup cake mango

Black Forest cup

Black Forest cup - Delicious chocolate cake with cream and cherries from the inside

Delicious chocolate cake with cream and cherries from the inside

Black Forest cup - Delicious chocolate cake with cream and cherries from the inside

chocolate cup

chocolate cupchocolate cup

Cup Of Red Velvet Cake

Cup Of Red Velvet CakeCup Of Red Velvet Cake

tiramisu cup

tiramisu cup - Chocolate cake with delicious tiramisu cream

Chocolate cake with delicious tiramisu cream

tiramisu cup - Chocolate cake with delicious tiramisu cream

Cup Of Saffron Cake

Cup Of Saffron CakeCup Of Saffron Cake

lava kinder

lava kinderlava kinder

lava louts

lava loutslava louts

stones cake

stones cake - cake layers with cream and pican

cake layers with cream and pican

stones cake - cake layers with cream and pican

volcano cake chocolate

volcano cake chocolate - chocolate with cake

chocolate with cake

volcano cake chocolate - chocolate with cake

volcano mango

volcano mango - sponch cake wih mango

sponch cake wih mango

volcano mango - sponch cake wih mango

choco cake

choco cakechoco cake

snickers cake

snickers cake - طيقات كيك الشوكولا مع الكراميل و حبات الفول السوداني المحمصه طعم ولا اروع جربوها فورا

طيقات كيك الشوكولا مع الكراميل و حبات الفول السوداني المحمصه طعم ولا اروع جربوها فورا

snickers cake - طيقات كيك الشوكولا مع الكراميل و حبات الفول السوداني المحمصه طعم ولا اروع جربوها فورا

hazelnut cake

hazelnut cakehazelnut cake

choco vanilla

choco vanillachoco vanilla

dolce pyramid

dolce pyramiddolce pyramid

dolce tower

dolce towerdolce tower

congratulations print pyramid

congratulations print pyramid - A pyramid of occasions, with the phrase “Congratulations,” a Belgian chocolate, approximately 90 pieces

A pyramid of occasions, with the phrase “Congratulations,” a Belgian chocolate, approximately 90 pieces

congratulations print pyramid - A pyramid of occasions, with the phrase “Congratulations,” a Belgian chocolate, approximately 90 pieces

chocolate tower congratulations

chocolate tower congratulations - Belgian Chocolate Tower 112 pieces of the finest types of cocoa and different fillings

Belgian Chocolate Tower 112 pieces of the finest types of cocoa and different fillings

chocolate tower congratulations - Belgian Chocolate Tower 112 pieces of the finest types of cocoa and different fillings

thanks god print pyramid

thanks god print pyramid - Belgian chocolate pyramid printed with the phrase

Belgian chocolate pyramid printed with the phrase "Alhamdulillah for peace", approximately 90 pieces, in addition to chocolate board

thanks god print pyramid - Belgian chocolate pyramid printed with the phrase "Alhamdulillah for peace", approximately 90 pieces, in addition to chocolate board

chocolate tower alhamdullah

chocolate tower alhamdullah - Belgian Chocolate Tower 112 pieces of the finest types of cocoa and different fillings

Belgian Chocolate Tower 112 pieces of the finest types of cocoa and different fillings

chocolate tower alhamdullah - Belgian Chocolate Tower 112 pieces of the finest types of cocoa and different fillings

fatayer taqdym

fatayer taqdymfatayer taqdym

Fatayer Mini Bites

Fatayer Mini Bites - تشكيلة منوعة من فطائر بعدة نكهات مميزة ولذيذة.

تشكيلة منوعة من فطائر بعدة نكهات مميزة ولذيذة.

Fatayer Mini Bites - تشكيلة منوعة من فطائر بعدة نكهات مميزة ولذيذة.

mix sandwiches

mix sandwiches - Mix sandwich with different fillings, eggplant, falafel, labneh, halloumi and potato 6 fillings with 36 pieces of fresh sandwich

Mix sandwich with different fillings, eggplant, falafel, labneh, halloumi and potato 6 fillings with 36 pieces of fresh sandwich

mix sandwiches - Mix sandwich with different fillings, eggplant, falafel, labneh, halloumi and potato 6 fillings with 36 pieces of fresh sandwich

bizza zaatar

bizza zaatar - فطاير البيتزا مع فطاير الزعتر

فطاير البيتزا مع فطاير الزعتر

bizza zaatar - فطاير البيتزا مع فطاير الزعتر

Waraq Enab Sweety Salty

Waraq Enab Sweety Salty - Mini vine leaves with a wonderful filling and taste sweet and sweet.

Mini vine leaves with a wonderful filling and taste sweet and sweet.

Waraq Enab Sweety Salty - Mini vine leaves with a wonderful filling and taste sweet and sweet.

small waraq enab

small waraq enabsmall waraq enab

Mix Chicken Mosakhan

Mix Chicken Mosakhan - تشكيلة من رولات، كرات مسخن دجاج، رمان و زيت زيتون.

تشكيلة من رولات، كرات مسخن دجاج، رمان و زيت زيتون.

Mix Chicken Mosakhan - تشكيلة من رولات، كرات مسخن دجاج، رمان و زيت زيتون.

Mix Mosakhan With Waraq Enab

Mix Mosakhan With Waraq Enab - مسخن رول دجاج مع ورق عنب

مسخن رول دجاج مع ورق عنب

Mix Mosakhan With Waraq Enab - مسخن رول دجاج مع ورق عنب

khaleyt nahal

khaleyt nahal - Delicious beehive bread with delicious cream cheese filling

Delicious beehive bread with delicious cream cheese filling

khaleyt nahal - Delicious beehive bread with delicious cream cheese filling

هرم مناسبات كبير

هرم مناسبات كبير - هرم مناسبات حسب الطلب يمكن تغيير العبارات حسب الطلب قبل بيوم

هرم مناسبات حسب الطلب يمكن تغيير العبارات حسب الطلب قبل بيوم

هرم مناسبات كبير - هرم مناسبات حسب الطلب يمكن تغيير العبارات حسب الطلب قبل بيوم